Amber - a waxy flammable material from the digestive tract of sperm whales. It is produced as a result of entering into the digestive tract indigestible parts of squid and clams to periodically remove them from the stomach. Together with them, and she goes amber, which first smelled very unpleasant. However, after lying in the sun for a while, it takes on a different, musky scent, valuable for perfumers.
Amber is not always obtained naturally from the waste products of the sperm whale. In some cases, the poachers get material from the stomach of a sperm whale itself, reducing the population of these animals, which are already endangered. So, when buying a perfume scent, it is impossible to know how it was produced.
Furthermore, due to the high cost of materials in the perfume used mainly synthetic analogue ambergris. This is now almost impossible to find on the market. One more thing - pheromones unstable and disintegrate in the air pretty quickly in alcohol-containing perfume they decompose immediately. And the action of pheromones is very individual.
Advertising often claimed that amber - a natural female pheromone that attracts males. It is believed that it attracts the male to the female sperm whale. As for the people, there is no single answer. People develop their own pheromones.
Someone using perfume, which include those stated amber, then says that the attention of the opposite sex has increased. However, it is quite subjective and can only be auto-suggestion. Someone does not notice much effect. And someone withdraws received attention to the specifics of the flavor.