Buying fur coats in the UAE

Buying fur coats in the UAE
 Some people think that coats the UAE quality can not be, by definition, because solar hot climate in the Emirates, adverse to store winter clothes. However, it should go to one of the warehouses of any store furs, and you will surely change your initial opinion. There is quite cool, there is minimal lighting. This storage of fur coats is enough.
 Do not rely on global sellers honesty from the UAE, because there is always someone who wants to deceive you. And so we need to know something that will help you make the right choice.

Carefully inspect your favorite coat. Good palpate and fur lining. In mink fur can not be soft, but too hard, Yezhov needles, he did not have to be. If you choose a fox, look for coat color - he tricolor. Beaver fur feels soft and gentle.

Any fur should shine at least a little, and have elasticity and saturated color (but not necessarily bright). Do not be shy - try to pull a few hairs from the coat. Quality product with hairs not part. And if they are still stretched, better look for something else.

Do not forget about the seamy side. In the long coats, as is customary, lining the hem is not sewn, so that buyers can easily see inside the product and to assess the quality. Leather coats part, or rather its condition, speaks about shelf life and the age of the product. The skin should feel smooth and slightly damp. If it at the bend you notice a crack, and the skin coarse and not very pleasant to the touch, give up the purchase - fur long you will not stretch, even if he is kind of thick and beautiful.

Bargaining in the UAE is always appropriate. Quite often, the price at the price tag is too high. Yes, and the seller, you may name the price lower. After the bid price of the product may still fall for a couple or two hundred dollars. However, we must know when to stop. So, now the coat from the UAE can not cost less than $ 1,000. 500-600 dollars - this is the price of short jackets with fur.

In Dubai, you have the opportunity to purchase not only the Arab coats. Is there stores that represented Greek, Italian and even Chinese fur. The latter, incidentally, the most inexpensive, but the quality and price matches.

Tags: purchase, coat, product, UAE