The best defense - attack. Psychological attack the enemy

The best defense - attack. Psychological attack the enemy
 If you want peace, prepare for action. The opportunity and the ability to influence and change the opponent in a profitable situation for you aside - the key to victory. Control of the situation, of course, will give an advantage over an opponent.

There are several types of influence and attacks on the enemy. The first type - the conviction. It is intended to appeal to the rational and based on clear evidence and logical conclusions. The consent of the enemy at every step of the proof is called the positive responses of Socrates.

The second type - self-promotion. Is carried out using a real demonstration of opportunities and formulate their queries and conditions. You can also submit documents that strengthen your credibility in the eyes of the enemy - it's diplomas, certificates, certificates, and more.

Next, than you can use in so-called attack - this suggestion. It is based on the belief verbal and nonverbal behavior, and the use of distinct dimension of speech, subdued lighting, rhythmic sounds, short touching and facilitates confidential contact.

Fourth - coercion. These include classified tight deadlines and framework, imposing non-negotiable prohibitions and restrictions, intimidation consequences, the threat of punishment.

Paradoxically, but ignoring competent partner can also be an attack. To do this, pointedly ignore any, tell them to keep quiet or to translate the subject in a completely different direction.

In addition to these methods as psychological impact of enemy attacks can also be used in the request, destructive criticism and manipulation.

Tags: essay, defense, attack, enemy, influence, persuasion, suggestion