Legs of a woman and her character

Legs of a woman and her character
 The relationship of physical and psychological characteristics of a person for a long time to study psychology. It is believed that one can determine the nature of the drawing lips, finger length, gait, as well as on how a person is sitting, talking, eating, etc. At the fair sex in nature can be determined also by the form of the feet.

Long-legged women are romantic, dreamy, often soar in the clouds. Owners beautiful, shapely legs regular shape have higher self-esteem. Short-legged ladies more decisive, single-minded, straightforward, but their mood is prone to frequent changes and varies from deep pessimism to optimism rainbow.

Leggy beauty even simple problems seem unsolvable problems, while holders of short legs with most difficulty coping quickly and easily. But at long-legged ladies more clearly defined position in life and principles as opposed to short-legged women with "seven Fridays of the week."
Ladies with short legs look at life more realistic, but are easily influenced by someone else because of the low self-esteem.

Female character can also be determined gait. So, ladies, little kosolapyaschie walking or leg which put a foot inside, have a timid, insecure, shy and complexed. If a woman puts his foot on the outer edge of the foot, which means that the nature of its strong-willed, purposeful, and she tends to seek new experiences. The most balanced character have ladies that put a foot right, on the whole foot. This holistic nature, feel good in any role - as a faithful wife and a caring mother and a great worker.

Smooth gliding gait suggests that a woman in love. Wide sweeping steps make the fair sex, having strong will not tolerate wrangling requiring surrounding obedience to their decisions.

The shape of the foot women also much talk about it. Short fingers close to each other, indicate the limitations of women, rejection of its various innovations. But this lady can be a good organizer. Thick big toes say that their owner is very talkative.

If the fingers slightly preloaded to the foot, then the character of the woman quarrelsome, feisty, aggressive. These ladies love to argue and fuss over nothing because every detail.

Tags: leg, shape, character, female, foot