How to protect yourself from bad people

How to protect yourself from bad people
 Tragically, the opportunity to meet with a crook, a thief or aggressive person's mood is quite large. Enough and those who allow themselves to slander others revile. Can I at a meeting with them to avoid unpleasant consequences?
 Yeshua Ha-argued that poor people do not happen, and indeed it is. With the birth of each person is clean and bright, but not everyone can be born in an environment conducive to the development of light qualities of the soul. As a result, people become who they are. Including thieves, crooks, murderers ... It is hardly necessary to condemn them ("Judge not, that ye be not judged"), but to take measures to ensure their own safety is necessary.

What do you think, why some people with something bad happens very rarely, and other now and then gets into trouble? The answer is simple and complicated and time. It is clear that the main reason lies in psychology - crooks and others like them at first sight calculate potential victim. But why one person to be a victim, and the other not? Really all depends solely on appearance - that is rather old woman deceived than respectable gentleman? No - statistics show that deceive everyone, including the very rich. Then what is the criterion for selection of the victim?

Ask about this very cheater, and he will begin to list all the usual features - appearance, behavior, etc. But the truth is actually simple - most crooks define a victim intuitively. They just feel that that's much to be deceived, and this is best avoided. Therefore, the essence of protection against bad people not to set the house steel doors and grilles, and no one to believe in anything not to get involved, and changes in one's psychology. Measures usual physical protection can be found in any textbook on survival, but it does not change the fact - the victim is still a victim. The correct way to protect is to become the most powerful. We are not talking about how to carry a knife or a "trunk" - it does not help. I should be at the level of energy - as long as people feel bad coming from you "smell the victim," you will fall within the scope of their attention.

Can I get rid of that "smell"? Yes I Am. Try the following exercise: walking down the street, imagine yourself strong mother of predators. This can be a wolf, tiger, bear, lion - you choose. Realize yourself big and strong, feel that you are the boss here. At the same time, remember that you must not deliberately show your strength, try to look like the most ordinary man. Very well, if you can, at least temporarily stop the flow of thoughts and will move to the full inner silence, it is very conducive to the attainment of power. Do this exercise every day - for example, on the way to work or school and back. In a short time - a week, two - and you will see firsthand the results of your efforts. You will have the self-confidence, a sense of power. A force felt at a distance, so the bad people will shun you, subconsciously feeling that you better not mess with.

The second important exercise is to learn to say "no." Many people go on about the others and incapable of anything refuse them. Think back to when you last, in response to someone's request, firmly say "no"? If a long time, try during the day someone of something to deny, with something to disagree. People are divided into those who ordered and those who obey orders. Please often equivalent to the order because the person does not find the strength to refuse. Learn to give up, and you will see how dramatically rise the level of your personal power. It is not necessary to deny always - people need help. But you have to become master of the situation, and not to those who obediently another's desires.

Even these two exercises enough that the number of unpleasant situations in which you find yourself, fell sharply. Bad people will just get you a party, knowing that you have nothing.

Tags: person effect