How to get rid of the memories of past relationships

How to get rid of the memories of past relationships
 Georgia last novels prevents start a new relationship - a standard situation. Having gone through a painful break or not, can be a long time to analyze, tear himself memories, looking for answers to the eternal questions. Occupation is hopeless and contribute to the deepening depression.

To begin the self-therapy as early as possible. Options "sit-wait", "will resolve itself", "time heals" to some extent effective, but do not always work. Once and for all get rid of the memories of past relationships, you need to act now.

Remove from your life all the objects, places and activities that remind you of the past. Clean your home from the traces of the former favorite, make repairs, rearrangement of furniture, change of residence, city, country, etc. It all depends on how strong your feelings - and the statement "by itself can not escape" in this context is not only wrong, but also harmful.

Change of activities and environments - the best medicine. Attract "heavy artillery" - get rid of the photos, gifts, memorabilia. Remove a contact from the address book, phone, buddy list, etc.

Minimize the possibility of accidental contact with a former lover - Change phone, transportation routes, avoid joint company of friends. Most likely, all these measures are temporary - you gradually stop overreact to events and be able to return to his former life. If it will still be interesting to you.

Temporary solitude - a great opportunity to do sports, learn a foreign language, learn the "belly dance" and strongly self-realization. In addition to the undoubted benefit and enjoyment, you get to meet new people, change the social circle.

A good way to get rid of the memories of past relationships - to tie a new novel. This should be done as soon as you feel ready - or it may be unfair to the new partner. One should not reject the possibility of new acquaintances, because it is possible that it is your destiny. Try to think positively and to keep hope materialize your desires by thought.

Tags: attitude, history, psychology