Why men love one, and marry other

Why men love one, and marry other
 In the life of everyone, even the most beautiful men present dark side of his personality - his alter ego. "The second I" men can dictate the behavior of other principles than those that dictates "I am the first." And if there is no agreement between them, the life of such a man becomes a kind of Mexican series. The most part of the story in this series is its reluctance to marry the woman he truly loves.

Love beautiful

The most common reason that a man marries the woman he loves not, is its beauty. Women put half his life on the altar of visual appeal and grooming. If only they knew that in the eyes of the majority of men are not created for the beauty of marriage, cosmetic and fashion industry would be ruined. And in fact, so it is: a man easily respond to the beauties, more willing to tie them novels. But as soon as the young man matures to the desire to start a family, it changes all its beauties on the nondescript "gray mouse".

Marry nondescript

Many men prefer to have as a wife not manicured beauty, but rather faded woman. After the wedding, they can ask the wife to stop wearing miniskirts or brightly painted. Men practical in matters of marriage: they do not want to exhaust myself with jealousy. And I believe that if a woman is too attractive, then they may be more than rivals in the fight for her attention. Many men it pleases only in the short term. If they are looking for long-term relationships, they often prefer the beauty of women with ordinary appearance.

Complex "Madonna and the whore"

The above-described patterns of behavior typical of many healthy men. But there are more neurotic personality who suffer complexes. The most part of the complex underlying marriage with the unloved, is complex "Madonna and the whore." According to the neurotic complex, women are divided into two types - diligent and almost holy mother of the family and libertine. With some nice lead common household and raise children, and on the other - to meet the natural instincts. Such men do not just marry unloved, they then tend to modify them with your loved ones. Women's roles in the family obtained divided between the two ladies. One cooks, washes, raising children, and the second - indulges him in bed. So men do not know that all of this may well handle a woman.

Men attract women, they are afraid. Women with character libertine, clever, beautiful like them and cause vivid feelings. But they prefer to raise a family with accessible and easier to communicate ladies. Any woman under the force play several roles, and if you are not hard to come down to an acceptable level for his mind, beauty or charm, do it. Then welcome wedding will be much more realistic and closer!

Tags: a man, the other