Love begins with friendship

Love begins with friendship
 On the question of what love is and is not given a single comprehensive and accurate response. However, experience this wonderful feeling of wanting to most people. Love can start with anything - at first glance, with a misunderstanding, even with hatred. But most often it starts with friendship.
 Any sympathy happens on a subconscious level. Therefore, at the beginning of a relationship between a man and a woman can not determine what will grow in their knowledge. It can be friendship or love, or perhaps indifference or hostility. But, even worse, you may be unrequited love. Everything depends on the attitudes and outlook. Nevertheless, there is a perception that the friendship of guys and girls - is sex, deferred for later.

Indeed, it is likely that a close friend of opposite sexes can make both partners in bed. Only it's not always possible to be called love, but rather the satisfaction of sexual desire strong young body. Most often initiated sexual relations become stronger sex. In this case, a girl can only behave correctly and "hold out" during this period. Of course, if she does not want to go beyond friendship. But then a friend is better to be sure that this man she feels something more than friendly feelings. The morning after rough sex, they still have to figure out who they are - friends who have become lovers for one night, or a real couple in love. And as they continue to build their relationship.

Love - is a mutual feeling that can not exist without the friendship and sex. This is a spiritual connection that flows smoothly into physical contact. In this case, even sexual relations are more intelligent character and dignity. That's what true love is manifested. Friendship same - a whole multifaceted system of relations. This is nothing but a manifestation of human love. But it shall not be for a no sexual desire. This feeling is much more complicated. Therefore, we should not give boys and girls, who are friends, serious feelings and sexual desire. They simply may have common interests and hobbies. As you know, there is nothing more to converge. And the floor is a man does not depend.

Tags: girl, boy, couple, love, friendship, affection