How to move from friendship to love

How to move from friendship to love
 Friendship can grow into love as imperceptibly as you can start to hate a person, without which previously could not live. Two people may feel sympathy, friendship, but suddenly one of them feel that friendship turned into love.
 Act immediately to be careful, because your friend does not see you as a lover. And each person has their own concept of love and its criteria, so you should start to determine what relationship to him and how he usually refers to the partner. Although though you pretty close and trusting relationship, you should know this.

Consider the tactics of behavior - you can ask a few leading questions, as if casually touching theme exciting you. Talk about a love relationship, be sure to express their vision and interests of the opinions of others. Since the degree of trust between friends is usually high, you can count on a certain candor that will facilitate your production of its future behavior.

If a suitable occasion to talk yet, collect information indirectly - most likely, you know what movies like your friend, what actions he accepts and which strongly rejects. Analyze all received during the friendship information and assess their chances.

Hide their affection for the person it is difficult - you start to look at it in another way, try to touch it frequently, interested in his life and try to take it prominently. All of these changes can not be overlooked, especially if you do not try to hide their feelings. Maybe you need to have to talk to a friend, asking him a specific question, and find his attitude toward the relationship between friends. Or circumstances develop in such a way that each initiates such a conversation, noticed a change in the relationship.

If you are unsure of your feelings and can no longer continue to live a double life, one can only recognize in one of his passions. You will immediately be ready for the fact that one can reject you, for he perceives you in just one role. But still have to try - then he, too, suffers from vagueness and does not know how to tell you about their feelings. Select the appropriate time, pick the right words, and frankly admit another in love, not requiring him to reciprocity and immediate response. And you no longer have to suffer from the uncertainty and waiting for the development of relations.

Tags: man, boy, love, friendship