How to get rid of the obsessive person

How to get rid of the obsessive person
 Sometimes you think you have paranoia, because you think that someone is harassing you. When you're in the same room, it to you immediately is attached and begins to absorb your time to make calls, you do not need, or simply to burden his presence. How to get rid of the obsessive person?
 You need to look at the root of the problem, to understand why this is happening. As a child, all refer to adults with their needs to a greater or lesser extent. Some people remain psychologically as if a child for life.

 Both children and adults, there are two basic kinds of obsessions. In the first case, a person simply attracts to you, he tries not to miss any of your words, but he said little or just impressively shows his admiration. This is very similar to love, even if you belong to one sex. In the second case, the person says a lot about yourself and obviously waiting for your evaluation. It is estimated dependency when you choose, without asking for the position of an expert. However, in fact, and in another case it tires.

 In the first case, the matter issued by the features of your information, which is a magnet for your obsessive companion. He is not to blame, just a matter of your strengths, which are weak in your interlocutor, but the cause of his silent admiration. However, in this case can and should directly ask the person to leave you from time to time. But be sure to promise to talk later - and do not always keep promises. Yet such an obsessive person can be very useful - its strengths, even though you sometimes underestimate them, you might have quite weak. So ask for response services in the areas of its strengths. If this is an honest man and not tuned to parasitism, he just knock down, to please you. And with regard to parasites should show focus and not to restrain negative reactions.

 In the second case you need to stop giving person assessment and ignored his requests. You can simply say that you do not understand this issue well enough to appreciate it. After a while, obsessive people to switch to another expert, and you breathe a sigh of relief.

 There is another way to get rid of the obsessive person. Meeting him, you do not give him time to recover, bombarded him with questions. Interrupting and not listening to the answers, all the time to translate the conversation to their problems. Most likely, he will be confused. He just no chance to present you the essence of their experiences, because all the time you have intercourse "defend" from your remarks. Desire to communicate with you gradually come to naught.

 It so happens that obsessive people meet in a working environment, and have to communicate with them on a need. In this case, to get rid of too much attention to the person, you can do the following. When a person begins to you to express their thoughts, take the pose of the body, similar to the pose of the interlocutor. Some time in silence listen, then as quietly get up and go away to the other end of the office or even leave the premises. This technique works almost flawlessly, so people are bewildered that the next time will be kept at a distance from you that you required.

Tags: man presence