Try stroking Satin things only from the wrong side. Before you start ironing, beneath the soleplate any cotton cloth. This must be done in order to not appear on satin shiny areas (lasy). It should be slightly moist and preferably white in order not to leave wet spots and marks on your clothes. Iron it so all the product.
If lasy still there, then get rid of them will help you devyatiprotsentny table vinegar. Dampen a cloth with them, which is enclosed between the iron and cloth, wring it out and place it on the damaged area on your stuff. Then, lightly touching the product, process steam zalosnivshuyusya cloth. And the next time such trouble with you does not happen, prepare in advance of the cross-linked dense batting pads that can be litter during ironing on the problem areas.
If your satin dress badly crumpled during washing, then return to it original appearance will be very difficult. Therefore, wash satin things manually when the water temperature is not more than thirty degrees, or in a car in the delicate washing. In no case do not press and do not remove the product, just shake, straighten and hang to dry on a hanger or lay in a horizontal position. During rinsing, you can add a little vinegar to the water to color fabrics became brighter.