What if annoying colleague in the office

What if annoying colleague in the office
 Office workers often have to work with people who, for one reason or another cause irritation or even anger strong. Moreover, often the conflicts in the workplace, or even layoffs occur for this reason.
 Man, mannerisms, appearance and habits that irritate others may not even realize that it is unpleasant to others. This is important, because conflicts often developed as follows: one person annoys another, without knowing it, the second suffers from time to time, and then suddenly switches to insults and openly, though very aggressively expresses his displeasure. Nothing good is, of course, does not end there. Therefore, even before your irritation will go into a rage, try to talk to you unpleasant person, or someone of his friends or with his superiors. Peace talk in such situations often helps to solve the problem.

Do not think colleagues intentionally want to annoy you with their behavior and try to treat them calmly features. For example, if a person is using too much cologne, maybe he's just a bad smell. If a person thinks that it deliberately put out, it leads to stress and aggression. Try to learn to calmly accept the shortcomings of other people, because you yourself are not perfect. Think about it: maybe you specifically looking for a reason for irritation to vent on someone evil? This happens sometimes when there are problems in the family, financial difficulties and so on.

If attempts to calm down, begin to perceive irritating man as he is, or talk to him calmly, without reproach and indignation, did not lead to the desired result, try to abstract from colleagues. Learn to focus on the work, not allowing irritation distract you and disrupt your plans. Explore the few simple exercises that will improve your concentration, and follow them regularly. Communication with an unpleasant man try to minimize, if possible. For example, try to dine elsewhere or at another time, not to deal with them.

Tags: colleague, type, location, behavior