The woman in the men's team: the rules of survival

The woman in the men's team: the rules of survival
 Many women believe that the work of men - one a pleasure, and in the office, which is full of boys, you can easily hone their skills seductress. But in fact, you may find that working in the men's team is much more difficult all the others.

Work in the men's team implies a rivalry because the stronger sex consider themselves competency and efficiency of women.

At first, the girl will not even be taken seriously, and will try to load its various requests a la "bring coffee." It is very important to learn to refuse such colleagues seeking to sit on your shoulder.

If you want to male colleagues began to appreciate you as an equal employee, at first listen more colleagues, and his opinion Speak quite well and accurately. Even if you are a talented and recognized expert, just do not show their knowledge, then you will succeed.

Men can use against women different kinds of phrases ("baby", "my child", etc.), which are equal to the office corridors hint at the fact that the fairer sex is beautiful, but, alas, useless ornament to strong team of professionals-men.

Some colleagues may offer you our help and take care of you too. They need to be on guard, because they can begin to assert themselves at your expense, all demonstrating your inability to work efficiently. It is best to immediately abandon such assistants.

Flirt - another weapon of men, which they shamelessly applied to women. Each office can be found such an employee who considers himself absolutely irresistible and refusal of flirting from female colleagues may be perceived as a personal insult. The difficulty is that these men are able to start avenge you and build various kinds of machinations.

Choosing an office wardrobe, based on best business style. Do not forget to feed themselves with dignity, to manifest itself as a competitive worker, and still feminine. To survive among men, women have to learn to defend their goals and needs, to defend their interests, and to prove that it is - equal employee of the firm, as well as all men.

Tags: work, man, team, woman, survival