How to get along with colleagues at work

How to get along with colleagues at work
 Most of our life is being held at work. Often communication in the team becomes more closely than with their families. Sometimes vice versa, when the situation is heating up at work every day and threatens to turn into a nightmare. This situation needs to be time to stop.
 Not to court the wrath of colleagues, you must enlist their support and respect. To do this, it is important to carry out their work efficiently and quickly as possible. Not even a single idler is not a matter of respect or approval.

All comments need to listen to colleagues and to think, but do not take them to heart. If the expressed opinion is true, you need to correct the mistakes and thank you for your advice. If it was unfounded, it is better to forget about it as bad weather.

You should not blame my colleagues for every mistake on their part. Best left to them and the right to make mistakes. Most likely you have them and there is not enough, so do not aggravate the situation because of such trifles.

One can never express their opinions about others secretly and even more so, based not on facts but on speculation or words of others. Each person has their own point of view, moreover, it is possible that you do not have sufficient information to draw any conclusions.

If you have the chance, you should not "poke his nose into other people's business." Very often, lack of expertise or hasty conclusions lead to the fact that by intervening, you might find yourself in a funny and ridiculous situation. Despite the fact that the friendly staff is like family, you should be aware that this is just a colleague. It is best to keep all the same friendly relations, no one to stand out and not rejecting.

Try to organize your work so that you can always substitute. Do not hesitate to tell any details of the project to enter the state of affairs of those who work together with you. Otherwise, formed the "indispensability" do a disservice by gluing to you the proud label or careerist.

You should not strive to be like everyone else. Dissolving into the mass of people, you can lose the individuality and the qualities that marked the guide when taking your work. Every person is valuable precisely because it is unique. However, it is not necessary, and sharply defiant stand out from the team, so you can amass a and enemies, and enemies.

Do not need to participate in a collective harassment, the crowd - it's not a team. Stay away if possible, but if you think that is clearly wrong, we can safely stand up for justice. In the end, there will always be clear who was right in this situation, it is important to be on the right side of the barricades.

Tags: work, team, language, work, colleague, behavior