How to gain credibility in the team

How to gain credibility in the team
 The working team is a community of people whose members are reputable feel much better than those who do not respect and who are not considered. How to achieve success in this direction?
 Think about how to gain credibility in the collective man must from the outset of its work. The fact is that people are psychologically difficult to change an established opinion. In the first days the employee has shown himself not too smart and efficient, there is no doubt that the evil tongues, and with their supply and all other branded it as "lazy" and "dullard". Known catch phrase on this score: "No one has a second chance to make a first impression". Those who are more cunning use this mechanism to their advantage, and before the appearance of a team trying to dismiss the rumors about himself as a good and reputable employee. Way to this can be found very different: someone acts through a friend employee, someone throws "duck" in the form of an e-mail that came to the wrong address ... methods are limited only by the imagination. As a result, this enterprising man, appeared finally to the team already has a solid reputation. And even if he will make a one-two misses at the beginning of this get away with it on principle "and the Sun are spots".

In general, at the beginning of a new collective value has everything: dress, style of communication, quality of work. Need to be carefully considered in advance, how to apply. Tune in to become a decoration of the team: dress neatly and more interesting than others, be attentive and friendly to the staff, try to flawlessly perform work-related tasks. It is important to find the middle ground that will allow you to stand out among his colleagues, without causing anger and envy. Your behavior and appearance should not say "look how I'm better than you" and "I try to be worthy of you."

Do not shy away from corporate and holiday get-togethers with colleagues. Use this niche of communication in order to become an informal leader, or make friends with the informal leader, who is already in the team. Note that a leader can only be active, enterprising man, so good, if you will choose the place for such activities, to offer their program or to make a significant contribution.

At the same time, be careful: corporate parties and gatherings usually can not do without alcohol, and some employees go from there literally "on the eyebrows." With you this must not happen. On the contrary, try to remain among the most sober, do not give cause for ridicule colleagues. Watch your behavior, because any stupid prank can undo all your efforts to win credibility.

Finally, create an image of themselves wise and judicious officer. Make it easy. Just do not rush to comment on the emerging issues first, listen to what others say, and then, after analyzing all the options, the surest support.

If you will take all the steps which are mentioned above, you will soon notice that in a difficult situation is to consult colleagues come to you. In this case, you can congratulate yourself - the authority in the team you have won!

Tags: work, team worker, respect, authority