How to fall in love with the boss

How to fall in love with the boss
 Dream to become the mistress of the chief? It's a pretty dangerous thing. After all, a lover - it's like a time bomb, at any time can start to blackmail. Therefore chiefs are trying to get rid of the annoying girlfriend. In this case, you not only do not wait improve, but also run the risk of losing their jobs. But if you are sure that your boss a serious man, and nothing like this happens (and maybe even finish your novel wedding), then a few tips on how to fall in love with the boss, you do not interfere.

To begin to prepare for the novel with the head. If your office dress code, try to wear costumes that accentuate the roundness of your sexy figure. However, this should not strongly evident. Ate you have beautiful long legs, wearing a short skirt, but without violating the business etiquette. Shoes only in high heels. The hair should be washed well and beautifully styled. Make-up should be bright, but not vulgar. Use a sensual fragrance spirits. You must pay attention, even if you do not say a word.

Looking at your gait, men need to turn around to you in the following (you can practice at home). Talk is not loud but melodious.

A good way to attract the attention of the Chief will involve him in the discussion. During the dispute the views of people intersect, and this is what you need.

Find out what your boss is interested in your spare time. If he likes to go to the pool, like swimming. If he loves bowling, go there in the evening.

On a night out take a longer time to communicate with the head, thus do not forget to hint that you're versatile personality: sign up for foreign language courses, engage in sports or dance, walk with her friends in the sauna. Men prefer women exceptional.

Keep your distance. No need to talk about themselves all the more better to listen to his stories about life.

Ate your boss will feel that you are interested in them, then it has to offer overtime. Discard it. If the boss wanted to seduce you, he would have done it the other way (for example, a joint business trip). No need to use to let your feelings. It's better if you ask for yourself interesting job, business or promotion.

If the chief has already begun to experience feelings to you and offers a joint vacation abroad, you can directly ask, does this mean that we will have to go to bed with him. If he answers yes, then tell him that sex without love - it's not for you. What you first need emotional intimacy. After that, give up the trip, arguing the fact that you do not call girl.

After all this, try to avoid contact with the head, pretend that his actions greatly humiliated you. Your every "no" will strengthen your trap. But be careful not to overplay.

Next story can develop in different ways:

Your boss interested in a more accommodating and reliable subordinate. Do not worry, once it is clear that he needed from you.

Chef falls in love with you. This is where you can begin to take decisive action and twist of his rope.

Tags: Head, communication, attention, mistress