How to build relationships in the new team

How to build relationships in the new team
 Opinion about the employee develops already in the early stages of work. So try to be friendly and positive mood. At the new place, everything is important - the ability to dress, communicate, publicly and privately observe the rules of the collective and many other nuances.
 Pay attention to your clothes, try not to dress provocatively and catchy, stick to the dress code.

Look to colleagues, ask their hobbies, but do not be too pushy. Remember the names of employees or write them in a notebook so you do not feel embarrassed when handling. Especially because each person's good to hear your name.

Do not enter into a dispute with the leaders in the team: time to prove their case, you are still ahead. Rate the quality of business and human counterparts, especially their character. Do not Mess over too touchy people. Do not share secrets with windbags and avoid gossip. At the same time try not to withdraw into themselves, to avoid being branded a freak, but do not try to look "shirt-guy", otherwise you will be perceived as a serious person.

Each team has its own unspoken rules of behavior that you have to learn and adhere to. If you have any problems, do not hesitate to ask for help. But to take someone else's burden is not worth it, especially if you see it you can not accomplish or you have too much work. Know how to tactfully refuse, not swearing at it and do not be rude.

In a conflict situation, do not rush to take someone's side, will be examined first in the causes of the conflict. In relations with the authorities follow the chain of command and do not try to flirt with him. Office romances often end with dismissal or a sense of awkwardness and gossip in the team. It is better to learn from its Head of professionalism and business acumen. In the future, they will still be valuable.

Do not bring your family problems in the office, especially if you want to work in it for a long time. Do not talk about everyday troubles in the team. You're at work and not at a reception at the psychologist. And then, the authorities do not like conversations not related to the case. Take the initiative, showcase their business and professional qualities and do not forget about the measure. Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to successfully join the team and feel it as "a fish in water."

Tags: work, man, team, new attitude, behavior, environment