How Happy New Year colleagues

How Happy New Year colleagues
 Approximation of the New Year begins to be felt in the office long before the holiday. And now comes the last day of the old year. It would be desirable to have all my colleagues in a good mood, even if the relationship with them is not quite evolved smoothly. New Year - it's time to mend relations, to please others and enjoy yourself. This can help in pleasant things.  
 The main element of the New Year holiday - of course, the Christmas tree. Little elegant forest beauty is appropriate even in the strictest office. It will create a festive mood and employees, and customers. Fit and garland. Pofantaziruyte and hang it on the wall, making any figure.

Prepare gifts. Even if you do not know very well their colleagues, you can choose gifts that will suit everyone. This Christmas decorations, candles, chocolates, good tea, etc. If the relationship is close enough and you know exactly what you understand correctly, give high-quality soap or cosmetics.

Think about how you will be handing gifts. You can, of course, before the start of the working day just put them on the table, especially if you bought all the same souvenirs. Different gifts spread by "random selection". Beautifully their pack, fold into a box or basket and ask each to get a package that attracted him more. In this case, definitely will not be no hard feelings.

Make cards. You can buy ready-made, good choice in stores is large enough. Very often the cards are made with ready wishes. Try to pick a neutral, which could not have accidentally hurt someone from your staff. Can write wishes and yourself, especially if you have a friendly staff and you communicate not only at work. Wishes can be comic, but only when you are sure that your co-workers with humor all right.

Make a multimedia presentation. Pick photos from the life of your organization. Choose only the positive aspects. If possible, find pictures of all employees. Show this presentation can be on a night out or after you congratulate the leadership of the firm. Video your employees look too happy, especially if during the year were bright events, which is pleasant to remember. Presentation and movies can be recorded on the disc and give to everyone.

Before the New Year, many organizations arrange corporate parties. But even if you are not accepted - no ban to arrange a festive tea party. Anyone who knows the oven can cook a celebratory cake. It does not matter if we have to limit ourselves to a candy store. The main thing - to create a festive mood at all.

If there is a local network can all send messages of congratulations. If you have access to all computers, it is possible to come to work early and put everyone on a merry Christmas desktop wallpaper. On a day it will please even those who usually kind to your work computer and tries to prevent outsiders there.

Invite Santa Claus and other characters. In many cities there is a service that provides similar services to the population, and call New Year's guests can not only home, but also in the office. By the way, it can give you gifts and prepared.

Tags: year, new colleagues, employees, congratulations