How to wet lay

How to wet lay
 To make a beautiful styling and look spectacular, do not need to spend a lot of effort and spend a lot of time. Simply make a wet stacking.
 To create a wet laid need to wash your hair and slightly dry hair with a towel or hair dryer. Thus it is better not to use shampoos and conditioners, intended for smoothing hair. Followed by a comb their hair in the middle and do that for you. This can be parted in the middle or on the side of the head for a more elegant hairstyle.

Now we can proceed to create the effect of wet hair. On the need to squeeze his hand a sufficient amount of styling. This can be a special tool to create the effect of wet hair and a normal gel or foam. It is better if they are strong hold. Followed by pound means between palms and apply on the hair along the entire length. If the hair was thick and long, you can apply a means for laying again. But you should not get involved in that hair did not look too hard and stuck together.

After that, dry the hair dryer, trying to do it as carefully as possible, so they do not look disheveled and well groomed. For more wavy curls when drying can pinch on their hands or use a special nozzle dryer - diffuser. If you do not have a hair dryer, just let your hair dry naturally, do not forget to periodically shake slightly and squeeze.

The main rule when creating a wet lay - do not comb your hair after applying them locking means.

So wet laying ready. Now you can lift the hair up, stab beautiful barrette, gather in a ponytail or just leave loose. It all depends on my mood. To laying stay longer, better sprinkle hair with hairspray.

These actions can be uncomplicated beautifully put hair in any situation, using a minimum of available tools.

Tags: hair effect, hairstyle, curl, blow