How to make laying waves

How to make laying waves
 Long hair always look feminine and romantic than a short cut. And if you put them large waves, dissolve on the shoulder or throw on the back, the hair acquires elegance and will look even more spectacular.
 Make stacking waves can be quickly and easily. First, wash your hair and air dry them with a towel. Gently comb the wet hair, separating strands of his hands, and then spend them comb with a few teeth. Squeeze a little on the palm of styling products - perfectly easy to use, does not stick hair spray, foam or mousse to create volume. Crema apply directly to the roots, slightly lifting strands and pulling them in the opposite direction - it is better to tilt your head down and do all manipulations in this position. Twist hair in bunches, secure pins and leave to dry naturally.

If your hair is naturally tight curls and form comes only with the use of increased fixation, then having first strands to be processed. Curly and unruly hair must first be straightened using the balm, then comb and pull the dryer - it will make the hair less curly, but more undulating. On the roots, apply spray for basal volume.

Make smooth waves on hair braids help - a little wet hair soak the fixture, then screw in one or two tight braids (it all depends on how thick your hair), fasten a rubber band. After a while, you can untwist the spit, pulling their hands.

Large waves can be generated by using large-diameter curlers or curling wide. Also use special nozzles on styler - the larger the diameter, the larger will be the wave. Twist the hair thick strands, it also increases the amount of curl. After you remove the curlers or tighten up all the strands of hair to be a little comb, pulling them or dry hair dryer.

Blow-dry using a diffuser will help to achieve the effect of smooth waves - finger tip to wind the hair you want to pre-wet the fixing gel.

Short hair can also be put wavy - wet strands soak mousse and then tuck a hot curling iron between layers of hair, as if raising them, but not from the roots, and just below. The second option - using a comb to make a hem of hair and treat it with hot air stream.

Tags: hair, hairstyle, styling, wave