Highlighted Hair Care

Highlighted Hair Care
 If you really want to change the color of hair, but it is a pity to expose them to harmful effects of paint, then there is an alternative - highlights. When it painted only the individual strands, and in a variety of colors, the way you like it. Despite the fact that this method is considered gentle hair still dry and require special care.

To improve circulation scalp doing daily massage at least 5 minutes. You can massage your scalp with your fingertips, but it is more convenient to use massage brush. For best results, brush your hair in different directions.

Wash your hair only recommended special shampoos for colored hair melirovannyh or having restorative and moisturizing effect. Furthermore, under the action of the shampoo longer pigments are not washed. After highlighting rinse your head after washing with a weak solution of vinegar or lemon juice to neutralize the alkali residues.

Highlighted Hair combing wet in any case impossible, as they are stretched and lose their elasticity. Which further leads to increased fragility and sections tips. Therefore, the brush is only slightly damp or dry hair rare wooden comb.

Highlighted Hair pleased to healthy shine, be sure to make nutritious and restorative mask. Their recipe very much. For example, a mask of egg yolks. Take 2 egg yolks, mash them and apply on hair, cover with plastic and hold for about 30 minutes. Then wash your hair. If you have long thick hair, use a greater number of yolks.

Can be made more complex mask. Take one egg yolk, mix it with 5 tbsp burdock oil, add the mashed banana, squeeze the juice of one lemon. The mixture was put on hair over the entire length, wrap in cellophane and hold at least an hour. This mask moisturizes hair and nourish their vitamins.

When laying highlighted hair, be careful with the use of irons, curling irons and hair dryer for drying. The impact of such destructive devices. But if you want to do curls or, conversely, to straighten hair ironing, then the next day be sure to make restoring mask.

With proper care Dyed hair, they will long to please the dazzling radiance and beauty.

Tags: hair, massage, mask, highlighting, care