The use of oils in hair care

The use of oils in hair care
 Hair Care - very useful and pleasant procedure, especially if you pamper your tresses with vegetable and essential oils. The composition of the essential oils are exclusively natural ingredients have a beneficial effect on the state of the problem of hair: nourish the scalp, normalize sebaceous glands and improve the structure of the hair.
 The main part of the essential oils contain unique ingredients that are good for the scalp and hair. General rules for the use of oil as follows: before applying a particular oil for hair care products, it is necessary to check whether you have an allergic reaction to it; not recommended for use in conjunction with oil shampoo comprising ingredients for hair care.

Essential oils for oily scalp: tea tree, lemon, eucalyptus, peppermint, bergamot, cedar, sage, pine, cypress, willow, and cloves, and lemon balm kayaputa. For dry hair perfectly suited orange oil, ylang ylang, frankincense, lavender, palmarosa, chamomile, myrrh, rosewood, sandalwood and mandarin. Split ends can indulge masks using chamomile oil, ylang ylang, geranium, sandalwood, rosewood and vetiver.

The following essential oils stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss: rosemary, verbena, petit grain, sweet flag, bay, cedar, ylang ylang, pine, tea tree, peppermint, rosewood, cypress, wheat germ, coriander and incense.

The most famous and affordable ways of hair care - treatments using essential oils (rinse aromaraschesyvaniya, aromatherapy and the use of masks). During aromaraschesyvaniya hair literally come to life, filled with nutrients, stimulates blood circulation of the scalp. To perform this procedure, you will need a comb made of wood or natural bristle. Spread a few drops of essential oils, suitable for your type of hair over the entire length of the teeth and comb gently comb the strands of the entire length of a period of ten minutes.

Rinsing hair with oils gives a similar result. Pour into a small container liter of warm water (preferably boiled) and add a few drops of essential oil (depending on the type of hair and hair problems), mix thoroughly and rinse hair after washing. Avoid direct contact with eyes. Regular hair care will make them strong and thick, add shine and splendor.

Effective procedure for recovery and intensive feeding hair - mask with essential oils. They can be made based on base oils and emulsifiers. Mixing ratio is quite simple: five drops of the chosen essential oil to two tablespoons of the base. Apply the mask for at least an hour before shampooing (preferably left for the night). After such oily hair masks look healthy and light, and the procedure does not contribute to their rapid clogging (as it may seem).

Tags: hair oil, use, care