Proper care for fine hair

Proper care for fine hair
 Luxury and thick head of hair - a real decoration for every woman. But few can boast of such a gift of nature. Thin hair is capable of delivering its owners of a lot of trouble: they are naughty, too soft, dry, electrified and flogged. Provide fine hair proper care with the help of simple ways.
 Proper care for fine hair requires a special approach. Such different hair silky and soft, but to all that they are weak and non-positive. Therefore, care of them has its own characteristics. Wash thin hair is recommended with special shampoos that are designed for frequent use and give them volume and using soft water. For this fit purified mineral or well water, you can just boil the water from the tap.

It is not recommended to use the shampoo 2 in 1, that is, with the content of the air conditioner, and rinses after shampooing. Hair care use modern means, perfectly suited to your type of cosmetic products to add volume (spray, masks, gels and mousses). These funds without weighing your hair and keep hair soft. Carefully read the instructions on their application if they require flushing or not.

To make the hair more volume, rinse the head of sparkling mineral water, pre-dissolving tablet of calcium in it. Can be used for natural hair rinses: a decoction of plantain, chamomile and sage, as well as regular beer.

Proper care for fine hair is not possible without a balanced diet. Include in your diet natural vegetable oil, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and seafood. They saturate the body with nutrients that are essential for health and beauty of your hair.

Use homemade masks to care for fine hair. To prepare the masks take the pulp rye black bread and knead it in the mineral water to form a slurry. Apply the mixture on the scalp and spread over the entire length of the hair, leave on for fifteen minutes. Then thoroughly wash your hair with a suitable shampoo.

To make a mask to give hair volume, take a tablespoon of lemon juice and mix with one egg yolk, add a teaspoon of liquid honey. Slightly warm the mixture in a water bath to obtain a homogeneous composition. Remove the mask from the heat and add two tablespoons of burdock oil, apply the mixture on your hair and leave it for an hour, wrapped head with a towel. Then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Tags: hair mask, care