How to treat hair Burdock oil

How to treat hair Burdock oil
 Burdock oil due to its medicinal properties have long been used in cosmetics. It is a beneficial effect on the scalp, soothes, nourishes, relieves itching and irritation, helps eliminate dandruff. Tool restores the hair structure, promotes their growth, and makes them shine and elasticity.
 For the treatment of hair Burdock oil recommended for use in slightly heated in a water bath form. It is applied to the hair roots with a cotton swab and distributed along their length with a comb. Instead, you can take a soft toothbrush, while pursuing a gentle massage of the scalp. After applying the funds to put cellophane head cap and a warm towel.

The treatment duration is 1-3 hours on average rate of not more than 2 times per week. Otherwise, the hair may become difficult, and the effect - less pronounced.

Burdock oil is actively used in a complex of various hair masks. To give them a density and gloss can make a mask of one sachet diluted with boiling water colorless henna, which added 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil and 0 to 5 hours. l. oil solution of vitamin A and E.

The resulting mixture was spread over the entire length of the hair and left for 60 minutes. Top polyethylene wear and warm hat. At the end of the set time means washed off with warm water using a shampoo.

Quite effective in combating hair loss is the following mask. Take for 1 hour. L. honey, shampoo, burdock oil and the juice of one bulb. All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the scalp and hair. After one hour washed with warm water. Is used once a week. Rinse hair better broth nettle leaves or oak bark.

For dry hair, you can use a mixture of 2 tablespoons. l. burdock oil and one egg yolk. The resulting mass is held on the hair for 30-50 minutes and then wash off with shampoo.

To give hair shine ideal vitamin mask of burdock, castor oil and birch sap the rate of 1: 1: 5. The mixture is rubbed into the hair roots and scalp and left for 3 hours. Head washed conventional manner.

Tags: hair oil mask