How to make hair thicker

How to make hair thicker
 Beautiful long hair - a rarity and a source of pride of their owner. But even the most luxurious-looking hair is not always possible to braid into a beautiful braid. Not enough hair density and thickness to repeat the image of Russian beauties of the nineteenth century. They say that the fault of bad ecology, stress, poor nutrition. But if we take care of hair as courted our grandmothers? There is an old recipe that helps make hair thick and dense.

Take a bowl, break the egg into it, add a tablespoon of mayonnaise, burdock oil and shampoo. All mix thoroughly and place in a warm place for a short time (a battery, for example).


When the mixture is heated to body temperature, put it on dry hair. It is important that medical mask was evenly distributed over the entire length of hair. Put on top of a plastic bag, wrap the head with a towel and leave for an hour and a half. Now you can do your normal household chores.


After this time, remove the towel, bag and rinse the mixture from the head. Rinse the head several times with shampoo. If your hair is long, it is recommended to slightly dry them and then apply hair conditioner. Three minutes later, rinse and dry hair balm towel.


Comb gently dried hair. We recommend using a wooden comb with frequent teeth - so less hair break and insensitive to static electricity. Now let your hair dry naturally. Certainly, after the first procedure you will feel that your hair become thicker.

Useful Tips

If you repeat this procedure once a week for a long time (six months, for example), your braid will become noticeably thicker and the hair will be shiny, and will look very well groomed.

Tags: hair, thick