Hair masks based clay

Hair masks based clay
 When the hair is weakened or damaged, the most effective way of external treatments are masks. They can be bought in the store. Almost all manufacturers looking after cosmetics offer similar tools. But you can make them at home.
 Clay - it is an effective tool for deep cleansing of hair and scalp. Shampoos and conditioners are not always able to completely clean the hair from styling products residues and urban dust and dirt. A frequent use of aggressive agents can strip hair of natural protection. Also clay not only deep cleans but also nourishes the hair. Because of this, they become stronger, longer fall appears shine and volume.

There are several types of clay, which have different properties. Blue clay effectively cleans and strengthens the hair, white combats hair loss and brittle, seborrhea green, yellow and red with itching. It is sold in powder form, which must be diluted before use with water to the consistency of thick cream. To make a mask out of clay even more useful, you can replace the water in the broth of herbs (chamomile, nettle, dandelion). The mixture is applied to the hair and scalp. Top harbor film. To further enhance the action can wrap your head with a towel. Keep the mask for at least half an hour. Then, the hair should be washed with regular shampoo with plenty of water. For treatment of a mask to be applied 2-3 times a week. From prevention to - once a month.

Masks can vary from clay, using these additional components. From the following ingredients can be prepared mask which accelerate the growth of hair and to restore their structure. For it will need blue clay, butter, egg yolk, honey and lemon juice. For oily hair butter is replaced with castor. All the components you need to take a teaspoon and mix. The mask is applied not only to the skin, but also to the entire length of hair. If the ends of the hair overdried, it is necessary to lubricate their cosmetic oils. Keep the mask need 1-2 hours under the film.

To cope with the problem of cross-section of the tips, mix two tablespoon of cranberry, milk and white clay. This mixture can be kept on the hair for at least 15 minutes.

And with hair loss will help fight the mask of three tablespoons of white clay, diluted in a glass of kvass. It should be kept on the hair for 15-20 minutes.

Keep in mind that dark colors can be painted clay blond hair. Therefore, blondes should be careful with them, and by washing the shampoo add a little toning agent.

Tags: hair mask, foundation, care, clay