To remove gum, stuck to the ends of the hair, or at a distance from their roots, place under a stream of cold water a strand of hair, which stuck chewing gum. After the gum hardens and loses elasticity, fingers try to break it apart. Do not be discouraged if it will make only one or two fracture, as this is enough to start the procedure to remove gum stuck.
Then turn on the hot water and keep it under the affected part of the hair. Gum should melt from the hot water and become viscous. Fingers knead chewing gum, trying to increase ploschat adhering to the hair tortillas.
Knead gum several times under cold and hot water. The meaning of these actions is that upon cooling exposed zhvatelnaya elastic force begins to crack and fall away from its small pieces. The heat gum regains elasticity and can be stretched over a larger area to make cakes adhering layer as thin as possible. What will be thinner layer of gum, the easier when kneading in cold water will fall away from the gum particles.
Thus, each time losing parts gum will gradually decrease in size, and, finally, the hair will be only minor its residues. To completely remove the gum again put the strand under cold water. Then take toothed comb and comb your hair. Then comb through hair miss with frequent teeth to remove even the smallest remnants of chewing gum.
If chewing gum stuck to the close to the roots of hair, then liberally lubricate the chewing gum and sunflower oil thoroughly mash it with your fingers. Then remove parts of gum from hair, comb it and rinse with shampoo to remove the remaining oil.