Curling irons are different, the larger the diameter tool, the larger curls you get it. You can curl the ends of the hair, making the curls along the entire length, as well as to create a clear curls. Using a curling iron, do not forget that the thinner the strand, you cheat, the less time needed for curling. With the help of forceps hair is very easy to overheat. As a result, instead of beautiful curls will turn dry and brittle tow.
To make large curls, proceed as follows: assemble the upper part of the hair clip and the bottom strand sprinkle varnish and wind on the forceps. Now begin to separate and turn to wind the top strand, not forgetting sprinkle them with varnish. When all the hair are wound slightly remember obtained curls to give them a natural look, sprinkle with fixing varnish and gently lay.
For some models, you can use hair styles and ironing straighteners. They are good because they can produce wet hair styling that will protect your locks from drying.
Can be used to create curls and hair curlers. Especially convenient termobigudi that are heated to the desired temperature, then you cheat curls your desired diameter. The whole process takes no more white fifteen minutes.
With the help of a hair dryer locks are made according to the following technologies: first podusushivayutsya hair roots, then a special twist the strands round brush and dry their hair dryer. Do not forget to use the fixing varnish.
Perhaps the most popular way - is to do curls with an air styler. This hairdresser's tool is a cross between a comb and a hairdryer, and locks to get the desired size, you just need to find a suitable nozzle.