In order for your hair was blond, hairdresser discolor them first and then painted in the desired shade of blond. Modern coloring products contain oxidant and actually paint a creamy consistency. Reputable firms specializing in professional cosmetics, produce oxidant and paint separately. The oxidant concentration is different and is used depending on whether you wish to brighten colors hair.
Alone can lighten your hair as using paints and other means, such as henna, hydrogen peroxide, or folk remedies.
Hydrogen peroxide
This is the most popular tool for white hair. The more you make the concentration of peroxide solution, the darkness of the tint. In order that the result was more resistant to peroxide and water must be added ammonia and liquid soap. 50-60 grams of the mixture is enough 5-6 drops of ammonia. The color you get like a Hollywood movie stars 30-40 years, only too often can not carry out this procedure - can seriously damage your hair.
White Henna
It's not natural henna, and its chemical substitute, which is often added colorless henna. This is a very powerful drug, so use it with caution if you have thin hair, it's better to play it safe. White Henna lightens hair a few shades, but if you are brunette or dark brown hair, for you it will not work. Instead of the expected white color you risk getting red, and very resistant. If you overdo the makeup on the head, you can get burned and tufts of hair falling out.
Folk remedies
This is the most forgiving recipes to lighten hair. In addition to cosmetic effect, they also revitalizes hair, make them stronger and shinier. Dark curls can discolor in several stages. The main component of brightening up people's recipes lemon juice, camomile tea or honey. As additional ingredients may be used rhubarb, essential oil, saffron, white wine, cider vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, glycerol.
Rinsing chamomile extract
Two tablespoons of chamomile pour a liter of boiling water, let it brew, cool, strain. Use as a conditioner after washing your hair.
Rinsing with lemon juice
Dissolve in water or juice of one lemon half a bag of citric acid. Consistency can be determined on the taste - water must be tolerated acid. Rinse the hair after washing solution. Your curls will get the brightness and shine.
The mask of honey
Honey can act on the hair as hydrogen peroxide. Wash your hair with regular shampoo with the addition of a small pinch of baking soda, towel dry. On damp hair, apply honey, put on a plastic cap and wrap a towel. Keep the maximum amount of time - as long as possible. Rinse with warm water. Honey is not only lighten your hair, but also to strengthen them and give shine.
The mask of yogurt and lemon
Take two tablespoons of brandy or vodka, one egg, 50 grams of yogurt, juice of half a lemon, one teaspoon of shampoo, mix well. Apply to dry hair, gently spread over the entire length. Put on your head plastic cap and Insulate towel. Mask can be left on all night, wash off in the morning with shampoo and apply a nourishing balm.
If you can afford to lighten hair gradually, it is better to use folk remedies. So you keep them healthy and will get the desired color.