Under the heading Diet: Watermelon diet
Who among us has not sighed with envy looking at the hair of the legendary "Pretty Woman" Julia Roberts? Who once did not want beautiful hair streamed elastic curls like Nicole Kidman? Metal curlers and twisting around on strips of paper or tissue left in the distant past.
Moreover: forgotten finally mercilessly traumatic hair metal tongs. Is not so relevant irons, even today brought to the status of "bio" - that is, become virtually harmless. Today, ladies prefer to change the image of the mood, and help them in the dozens of options papilotok and curlers.
Initially,curlers called strips of paper on which to wind the wet strands of hair. It was believed that the tissue paper does not dry out the hair, and hair curlers to bed with such comfortable.
Today's curlers have little in common with their predecessors: it's bright cheerful "worms" of soft materials - foam rubber, rubber - with colored tips, based on - flexible and durable frame.
Curlers come in different typesBut the main difference between them from the rollers - in that all curlers still much thinner than the curlers. To fix papilotok on the hair does not need extras - tips, combs, hairpins; they keep on twisting the strands through a ring.
Curler - More native and familiar way for the ladies curling hair. A few decades ago, the curlers were metal, with a special rubber band - a clamp for securing a lock. Gum left on the curls are not very aesthetic creases, let alone the fact that a good sleep, being "stranded" is not out of the question.
Later, the producers have pleased us curlers plastic - easier and more convenient. They are attached to the hair with plastic retainers same, put the main part.
Finally, a new generation of curlers distinguish it great achievements: Foam core is encased in a shell with tiny hooks that allow capture curlers on the strands without any additional devices. These curlers of different sizes are very popular and are a great demand.
Separate "caste" in the world of curling - termobigudiThat combine the safety of hair and a top speed in achieving results.
Once on hot termobigudi previously visited in boiling water, wind the hair and allowed to cool. Once the rollers cool down, they should remove - hairstyle was ready. Fast compared with conventional hair curlers, and so troublesome as forceps during laying.
Today, the best companies in the world offer modern models hot rollers.A leading manufacturer in this segment - Remington (REMINGTON).
ModelBIG SHOT RAG ROLLERS - Soft tissue curlers with unheated tips in a comfortable stylish package - will help to create resilient curls without the expense of time.
REMINGTON KF20I, The basic principle of which - Ion conditioning hair. The wax core retains heat for a long time, different size rollers (four small, ten medium and six large) you can create a variety of options hairstyles. Metal clips provide a secure hold on the hair, and indicators point heating help keep the process under control.
Qualitative termobigudi releases and companyBaByliss. Model BaByliss 3020 with a velvety surface protects the hair; convenient container provides rapid heating and butterfly clips and special studs fixed rollers of different sizes is in the position that you want to create a stylish hairstyle.
Termobigudi BaByliss 3060E - A set of 20 curlers of various sizes, which are attached with clips-papilotok. Temperature indicator light lets you adjust the heating process.
No matter which method you prefer curling hair, there are a few tips and using common papilotok and curlers. Hair should be washed before the winding-conditioned: it makes them Bole soft and manageable.
Strands should not be too thick: the thinner the strand, the better will curl. Use the right tool for your hair styling: it will help keep the hair as long as possible. After curler or curlers are removed, do not rush to use a comb; better to just lightly beaten strands hands.
Author: Anna Kupriy
Women's magazine JustLady