Estimate the approximate thickness of the strands that you need to be separated depending on the number of boomerangs or spirals. Select the correct size and the curlers diameter. Keep in mind that what they are thinner, the smaller will be the curls.
Without waiting for drying, begin to twist the strands from the bottom up. When he reached the roots of the hair, cross the ends of the boomerang, thus providing a strong fixation. In spiral or wrap rollers, since the thicker portion fixing clamp at the end. The waiting time can be waving about a half hour for medium length hair and a minimum of three hours for long hair. You can speed up the process if stranded dry hair with hot air dryer. To test the readiness curls remove one boomerang and touched her hair. They should be completely dry, otherwise, hair loses its form within one hour.
Unscrew the curlers from top to bottom, starting with the lower curls. Do not pull them out of the twisted strands. Hair may tangled by the edges, and then remove the curlers will be very problematic. After removing disassemble the curls with your fingers and fix curls varnish strong fixation. Curly hair can be put into any hairstyle. Over time, tight curls turn into soft waves.
If you think you can not cope with the process of curling yourself, go to the hairdresser to an experienced master. In a good beauty salon are elektrobumerangi (hot rollers), equipped with an indicator that shows the optimum temperature of heating the hair. After cooling rollers can be removed. The process in this case, the curl is reduced to a few minutes.