Oil may be applied in pure form, it is enough to slightly warm and carefully applied to the scalp and hair. After applying oil on the hair, wear a special hat or close the polythene and wrap a towel. In an hour you can wash off, but if the hair very loose, it is necessary to hold four hours. This procedure should be done once a week. Hair after it becomes shiny, silky, and the problem of split ends will be forgotten forever.
Almond oil is able to accelerate the growth of hair. That's quite a simple recipe of a mixture of peach and almond oils. Take a teaspoon of oil, add one egg yolk, mix and apply on hair if hair is oily, then add to the mix a tablespoon of brandy. Be sure to Insulate hair mask will last one hour. The mask helps to accelerate the growth of hair and makes hair stronger, which is important given the current environmental situation where poor hair suffer everything - from changes in temperature to exposure to chemical compounds.
Fans of the hair dryer, hair iron, forceps and other instruments of torture and other oil masks do need, so that hair is not unhappy faults in half. Very good help these sufferers mask of two parts almond oil and one part of the essential oil of cinnamon, this mixture should be applied to heat up the entire length of hair and leave for an hour. Mask is recommended to do twice a week.
Another good recipe for damaged hair, which includes simple ingredients, but the effect of her magic. Need a tablespoon of almond oil which was triturated with one yolk, and here it is added a spoon of lemon juice. Apply the mask on the scalp and spread over the length of the hair, do not forget to lubricate abundantly tips. This mixture should remain on the hair for thirty minutes, then it is necessary to wash off with warm water.
Try to apply masks periodically and you will see amazing results, luxurious mane with proper care is able to grow on any head, and help will come in almond oil.