To wash the hair should use a shampoo and conditioner. It is not necessary to acquire the means two in one. Before applying a little warm up rinse it in the microwave, and then apply on hair for 20 minutes. Wrap your head with a towel.
During the wash shampoo, conditioner or mask flip your hair back. Under running water cuticle hair straightened in the right direction. Upon completion of washing hair pour over cold water. This procedure facilitates their close cuticles and prevents moisture from inside evaporate during drying.
You should not rub your hair with a towel. Gently squeeze the water and wrap the turban on his head. Dry hair must naturally. In a pinch, you can use a hair dryer with cold air mode. As the comb is better to use a flat brush with natural bristles with a few teeth.
To care for downy hair on the market providing a multitude of cosmetic products. Your minimum set should include: hair conditioner, smoothing serum used during the drying and the mask for unruly hair.
No less effective in controlling downy hair are considered folk masks. They make the curls smooth, shiny, perfectly moisturize the hair and slow down the process of hair loss.
Very popular here uses lemon mask. For its preparation squeeze the juice of one lemon and add the water in a ratio of 1: 1. After washing, apply a means for the whole length of the hair and do not rinse.
Excellent struggling with a fluffy head of hair mask from honey. Apply honey on washed hair along the entire length and leave overnight. Head while hiding cellophane and a towel. Morning honey is washed off with warm water.
Universal remedy for the treatment of hair is considered burdock. It is applied to the hair roots and then distributed over the entire length. The head turns in a similar manner as when using honey mask. After 1-2 hours, the mask is washed off, and the hair rinsed with lemon water, a decoction of burdock or hops.