By the procedure of bleaching the hair need to start at least 3-4 days after washing your hair. Before treatment with hydrogen peroxide to wet hair does not need a natural layer of fat should protect the hair and scalp.
Dishes for preparation of the solution should be no metal, as metal compound with oxygen undesirable reaction can occur. Bleaching of hair is performed using solutions and creams, which include hydrogen peroxide. For lightening and bleaching hair using different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. The concentration of the solution depends on the desired color and texture of the hair. For thin, porous hair peroxide concentration is reduced, and for strong and thick hair - increase.
For thick hair lightening: 8-12% solution of hydrogen peroxide for hair average thickness: 6-12% solution, for thin hair: 3-6% ethyl.
The concentration of hydrogen peroxide solution, you can always be able to bring it to the desired.
For the preparation of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution: one part was added perhydrol nine parts water. 6 percent solution: two parts perhydrol - eight parts of water, 9 percent solution: three parts should be added perhydrol seven parts of water, 12 percent solution; perhydrol into four parts - six parts water.
The amount of solution depends on the thickness and length of hair. As a general rule for medium length hair is enough 50-60 grams of solution. To enhance the action of peroxide: a tool to discoloration add ammonia (5-6 drops of ammonia at 50-60 ml). To prevent dripping or spraying a solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, can be added a little liquid soap or shampoo alkali. Ammonia can be replaced by ammonium bicarbonate, which is slightly thicken the composition, which is important for clarification. Dense structure does not flow to the face and neck, it is easier to put on hair.
Peroxide solution should be prepared immediately before bleaching. And it's better to cook it with some margin.
You can use hair bleach and other options lightening composition.
Brightening composition for normal, very fine hair 40 perhydrol g, 30 g water, 20 g of liquid soap and 1 tsp ammonium bicarbonate.
Another way of clarification: 3 vials 3% hydrogen peroxide, 5-7 drops of ammonia a little liquid soap. This mixture is applied to hair for 30 min.
Brightening the composition of the tablets gidroperita. For 3-% hydrogen peroxide solution 30 ml of water take three tablets for 6% solution - 30 ml water to take 6 tablets for 9% - 9 tablets per 30 mL of water.
As an alternative, you can lighten hair drug "Blondoran Supra" having a strong bleaching effect. For clarification of hair can try this composition: "blondoran supra" - 20g, "londestral emulsion" - 5g, 18% hydrogen peroxide cent - 15ml, liquid soap - 10 ml.
So, we start the process of clarification of hair. First you need to properly lubricate the forehead hairline fat cream or Vaseline. Apply the solution should be wearing gloves, starting from the back, making partings. When a short hairstyle with a cotton swab solution is applied starting from the roots of hair, and with long hair unpainted - starting at the ends. At the end of dyeing hair comb to ensure access of air. Warming cap, head wrap a plastic bag should not be used because it is important to control the process of bleaching. Without air lightening composition is heated, causing a reaction to hair faster and you can easily burn your hair and scalp.
To lighten the roots of hair regrown composition is applied only to the regrowth, while trying not to fall on previously painted hair, so as not to damage them. Gently it can be done in 2 ways: 1. Apply a thick structure. 2. If you decolorized hair 3% hydrogen peroxide without the addition of other components to them accurately spray the roots of the hair spray. Use the second method can be before every wash head, but not more than 1 time per week. Even better - 1 time in 2 weeks, so as not to spoil the hair once again. The advantage of this method is that your hair roots are always lighter.
Lighten dark hair a bit more complicated than light. It is better to clarify a few tricks in a week. This is done to the scalp to receive protection in the form of fat formed. However, in the first bleaching hair dark chestnut color hair get, after the second - red, then a straw and then later blonde. Hair color red can not be painted in light tone, red shade still remains. Good bleached blonde hair.
The duration of action of the bleach solution is dependent on the concentration of hydrogen peroxide, as well as features of your hair and the effect desired. In this case, the best part of the time slightly underexpose than overexpose. For example, damaged, thinning hair can burn, but do not buy the desired color. Therefore, in the process of bleaching the hair is very important to closely monitor the progress of the process and periodically comb strands of hair at the temples, to make sure that the structure of the hair does not hurt.
On average coloring process takes 20-30 minutes. But this average. You can keep the peroxide composition from 3 to 20 minutes, if you want to achieve a low-energy clarification, or if your hair is thin and quickly clarified. When applying 3% hydrogen peroxide without the use of other components can be increased up to the time of several hours. The most important thing is not to "overdo" with time. The desire to increase the time of bleaching the hair more than necessary may cause burns the hair and scalp when hair break off and remain on the comb. Therefore, if you do not doubt their abilities, it is better to lighten the hair in a beauty salon.
After clarification of hair to wash your hair with a mild shampoo or non alkaline soap and rinse with warm water. If after drying to detect the difference in color, you can re-apply to the composition of the darker places water is not desirable to use tap water, and mineral or even boiled / filtered. Then apply a balm for damaged (stained, light) hair for 20-30 minutes. You can also apply a nourishing mask, for example, warm olive oil.
After washing, rinse the hair should be acidified with vinegar or lemon juice with water to wash hydrogen peroxide and alkali, as well as several restore damaged hair.
Bleached hair require special care. Hair need to carefully comb and wash infrequently. especially useful shampoo yolk, sour milk or yogurt. You also need to make nutritious oil hair mask or bought masks to restore the structure of hair. In addition, bleached hair should be protected from exposure to sunlight.