Should identify the factors that causes men to dismiss your offer to watch a movie with the words "Oh, no! This, again, your snot with sugar! "- Is the name of this movie. Typically, directors and film distributors, transform names of pictures, try to put them in a maximum audience expectations. For movie titles with female content characteristic of pathos, hidden philosophical subtext, perceptible only female logic, vanilla, some woman's name, and even better for women's social status (mother of the bride, geisha, woman, finally!) And something about love. Ideally, the name by which you can with 100% certainty to determine that female movie should look like this: "Dried flowers suffering and love Entries whore Mary". Oh, and movies in whose names appear in one way or another the word "blog", somehow enjoyed wild popularity in the female half of the population. Just do not feed bread, and give insight into the secret page vampires, desperate housewives and again somehow whores. Black women dushonki secret from public morality require debauchery and dirty details. Although in reality it turns sympathetic and "Pretty Woman" with Julia Roberts.
Having defined the name, continue to explore the object to view carefully. Poster. In the case of female film on it must be present or laughing couple (better if it is holding flowers) or steam in an awkward situation (better if this is foolish man, and it will dominate) or thoughtful, sagacity the girl's life.
You with the poster looks languid Johnny Depp / sad Hugh Grant / carefree Ashton Kutcher / mysterious Robert Pattinson / rose curb Ryan Gosling? You with the poster looks inflated chest Jason Statham? Lift up your eyes and make sure that it really Statham. So, in all these cases, the cashier made a film girls.
Further analyze the trailer for the film. As a rule, the trailer - it's cutting the best moments from the movies. If the episodes where the girl in the picture was crying, sad, gossip, revenge, went into hysterics, look ridiculous, and most of them, this romantic comedy. If the beginning of a fun trailer purposefully replaced by grim plans and female hysteria in the picture looks like a real tragedy, down the drain - it's a drama. Tears, sorrow or postprosmotrovaya gloomy reverie this film by the female audience provided.
Now for the required attributes of female pictures. Firstly, it prolonged the scene with the first or last or kiss scene with open arms, from which the inner woman any spectators is pressed into a chair and doing theater "uiii! ". Second, the obsession of the film as a whole on the relationship, exclusively female complexes or female independence and power. Third, the episode where a man - shit, really just on the side of the suffering woman, or a scene where a woman - a fool, and a man in a female mind. Fourth, of course, erotic scenewith inflated breasts StathamWhere the bare torso and playful hands of the hero does not make you roll your eyes in disgust and sneaking a bite her lower lip, while envying the main character.
Of course, you can not pull all women with the same brush. Someone happy to look "Judge Dredd", "Rock", the second Terminator and other krovkishkikomandos. There are films that are really fun to watch for both men and women. Have the same "Hachiko", from which cries like a baby every second brutal man. But there is a woman in the mood when, in the words of Dr. House, she wants to melodrama and ice cream.