Something cheesecakes wanted, right?

 Mardi Gras - while pancakes and always upload their photos in instagram. But if you're incompetent, like me, and your tenth pancake turns lumpy - cook cheesecakes!

Before starting to cook, want to be boring and recall the obvious: everyone needs protein. And to be precise, the daily requirement is as follows: per kilogram - 0, 4 - 0, 8 grams. Do not forget about it.

Something cheesecakes wanted, right?

Milk - the perfect product. It contains full-fat, protein and carbohydrates. Dairy products are also good. Especially for those who can not tolerate lactose - milk sugar. In such products, it is cleaved by bacteria. If you simplify, then a glass of milk or yogurt will bring us one third of the daily value of calcium.

Something cheesecakes wanted, right?

Our hero today - cottage cheese. Everyone knows how to make cheese? Most of the carbohydrates remain in the serum, and protein and fat in the curd fall. Poluchetsya concentrated, wholesome dairy products.

So, cheesecakes. Cheesecakes - it's a miracle. Because they curd undergoes little thermal processing, whereby the calcium and the protein absorbed better than from milk.

To prepare 16 cheesecakes we need:

  • 500 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 5 Art. spoons of flour (no top);
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • If you like raisins - certainly add.

Mash the cheese with a fork, add the eggs, sprinkle in the sugar and mix thoroughly. Stir in the flour. As a result, you get a homogeneous mass.

Put the frying pan to heat up. At this time, fashioned from the resulting curd mass your cheesecakes, first run-balls in flour and then gently flatten.
Something cheesecakes wanted, right?
Put cheese cakes in the pan and lightly fry on both sides. No longer than two minutes. Save the vitamins!
Something cheesecakes wanted, right?
Ready sprinkle cheese cakes with powdered sugar and served with sour cream, berries or fruit. Consume one-third of the daily requirement of calcium and rejoice!