On what finger to wear a ring?

On what finger to wear a ring?
 From the earliest times, people have attached special importance rings. If you wear a ring on a certain finger - you can regain the good fortune and luck to become more decisive and learn how to achieve goals. Would you like to see which fingers need to wear a ring to accompany you dizzy success?

Ring on the thumb
In ancient times, the Romans and Greeks were massive iron-ring seals on the thumb. This was considered a symbol of the phallus. Wore the ring to defend his virility from fading. Iron was not chosen by chance. The husband of the goddess Venus-smith god Vulcan is the patron saint of male power.
On the thumb ring are emotional people who always achieve their goal. Also, these people are great lovers. After all, Venus - the goddess of love. And these people are very harmonious and know how to enjoy life.

Ring on the index finger
The index finger is considered the finger of Jupiter. It is recommended to wear the ring on the index finger shy and indecisive people. If you wear a ring on the index finger, Jupiter gives confidence in themselves and their abilities, increases self-esteem, gives energy to conquer goals. Rings on both hands will bring you incredible success, you do not stop at nothing, and be sure to reach your goal. It is best to wear a ring made of copper and gold.

Ring on the middle finger
The middle finger is considered the finger of Saturn. If your life is a lot of obstacles, you start to do something, but it does not work, you are haunted by failure and frustration - try to put the ring on the middle finger. On the middle finger can wear a ring, is inherited. It is best to wear rings on both hands, then you will always have good luck.

Ring on the ring finger
If you are very modest man, but you want to attract attention - wearing a ring on the ring finger. Ring on the ring finger of his right hand - a symbol of marriage. Ring on the ring finger indicates a passion for beauty and elegance. It is best to wear a gold ring on the ring finger.

Ring on the little finger
Little finger - the finger of Mercury. Wearing a ring on his little finger improves your eloquence, mental flexibility, dexterity. Mercury protects doctors, politicians, businessmen, diplomats, magicians, gamblers. People gambling rings on both little fingers will help keep your excitement.

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