Gems: fashion eternity

Gems: fashion eternity
 A rare woman does not like gems, rare man does not make such gifts. Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, garnets elegant sparkle on the set of female pens, elegant necks, delicate earlobes. Precious stones are eternal, like the fashion for them.
 Fashion capricious, changeable its trends, but there are things that it always favors. This precious stones. In essence, it is just sparkling minerals that become only the beauty of the jewelry after cleaning and cutting. But they are so rare that their value is very high. To enjoy these treasures, you have to be a wealthy man.

Not every beautiful stone natural mineral origin may be called precious. Furthermore, the smallest crack or other flaw can significantly reduce the cost and has a large size and a transparency value. King of gems diamond is considered to be not only the most beautiful but also the most durable. The most valuable mineral is brittle opal.

People started to use precious stones as decoration long before they learned to handle them. These were rare bright stones, which are used in the form in which they created by nature. In ancient times, beginning to emerge a new skill - the jeweler's art. Today jewelery with precious stones have become a symbol of wealth and one of the most reliable financial assets.

Beauty gems never fades, they are always relevant to any outfit. However, fashion jewelry also has its own rules and directions. It is not as fleeting as fashion in clothes or shoes, but it is still changing. As always, immunity has a classic that never loses its value. On the contrary, over time, the value of antique jewelry is increasing. This is one reason for the family of fashion jewelry that are not only memory but also a reliable legacy, inflation-protected and crises.

Typically, classic jewelry made of precious metal of gold or platinum with diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires and natural pearls. They need not be cumbersome, small delicate pinks of platinum or white gold with small pebbles and are suitable to the business, and the romantic outfit.

In the jewelry business, as in any art craft, have their own originals. They have created an avant-garde style. In such jewelry is a mixture of different styles, colors and materials. Choose them to complement their image to be very careful. It is important not to overload its parts, and to maintain the integrity and harmony combined with dresses and other accessories.

Folklore style involves the use of jewelry, perhaps less valuable stones. For example, in Russia it is turquoise, or simply set in gold enamel of different colors. Inserts can be made of leather, fur, etc.

Each era has its own fashion rocks, today it is a pearl. Often Hollywood celebrities can be seen jewelry with this sea treasure. For example, actress Reese Witherspoon loves pink pearls that suits her skin tone and hair color, and her colleague Ann Hetteuey prefer white. Angelina Jolie and Queen Elizabeth II, Sarah Jessica Parker and Michelle Obama, Mischa Barton and Spanish Queen Sofia - they all wear pearls. At the time, he introduced the fashion of Coco Chanel, who curled true that this stone is suitable to any style of dress and appearance. So natural pearls has virtually no competition, especially when there are doubts about the choice of decoration.

Tags: stone, decoration, durability, jewelry, eternity, fashion