Initially decoration for piercing should be chosen according to the material of which it is made. As for the decoration in the first place is more important than his appearance, and safety. The ideal option decoration material which is inserted immediately after a puncture - a high-grade gold, titanium and its various species, or decorations made of plastic - tiflona species.
Only after the wound has healed, you can insert a lower gold samples, surgical steel with a valid nickel or niobium. Decoration of all these materials must be purchased in specialized shops rather than at the kiosks in the transitions "underground" and not in the markets.
What are the body piercing jewelry?
One of the most popular and simple jewelry - Barbella (Rod). It is a small round bar with twist-off balls on the ends. In some types of jewelry rod encrusted with precious or semi-precious stones. In this case, decorated end of the rod is not loosened. Very fashionable to use the Barbell (bar) to decorate the language.
So-called bends, which are very similar to Barbell - we can say it is the same, except that the slightly curved rod. This ornament, like rings, is often used to intimate piercing.
Labretta - a small screw, one end of which is screwed to the ball or cone. These balls and cones come in different colors. Usually labretta used to puncture the lips.
Twist is a curved, spiral barbell. At the end she may be a ball, cone or other decoration. Twist is universal, it can be used in many different and unexpected places.
Navel - it can be said the same thing as the bend. As a rule, used in Navel piercing navel.
The so-called horseshoe - a bar that is curved in the shape of a horseshoe. At its ends may be stones, cones, balls, etc. Horseshoe commonly used in nasal septum piercing. How convenient horseshoe as a decoration in the piercing? If you are, for example at work, where it is not welcome piercing employees, horseshoe can be rotated in such a way to hide it inside the nose.
Rings are also suitable for piercing the nose, though their nose is no longer hide.
And finally - a little secret: if you do not want your piercing was evident, but are afraid to remove the earring, that it is not overgrown, use reteynerom - bar made of transparent acrylic and easy. This type of rod is almost imperceptible, as it is easy to put on and take off.