However, during the determination of the size of the ring remember that it will vary depending on many factors, such as time of day and the room temperature. If you do not want some time after the purchase to be disappointed in the decoration, which will put pressure or, conversely, dump a finger, then the fitting liked "yuvelirki" better to spend a couple of days. Specialists jewelry is not recommended to engage in determining the size of the ring in the morning (when frequent small swelling) in the menstrual period, in the bitter cold or heat.
With a ring as a gift is much more complicated. If you want to please a decoration for a soul mate, you can seamlessly "withdraw" from the casket of his or her ring and take to the jewelry store where the staff and determine the required size.
If the above method for whatever reason does not suit you, do otherwise. Put a ring on a piece of paper, a pencil trace the inner diameter of the decoration and carefully cut out the circle. Sheet or roll up into a tube and slip the ring into the hole. Paper tube fix. With such "odd jobs" you can also go to jewelers to help you choose the right ring.
Assist in determining the size of the ring you can friend or friends of your loved one, which at your request at your leisure ask what her ring size or suits him. If you select this mission from the environment is not talkative people, it will be able to keep the secret surprise.
Still, you can simply take the ring worn on whom you are planning to make a gift, and try on their fingers. Remember or mark the spot where someone else's jewelry will be the most fit tightly around your finger. Then you will only apply to the jeweler that he desired area measurements of the finger and thus determining the size of the ring.
If you do make a mistake with the size of the purchased jewelry, please refer to any jewelry shop (or even the store where you purchased the decoration) to a specialist drove the ring as needed.