Sitting down for a short time on the string

Sitting down for a short time on the string
 To do the splits as quickly as possible, you need to constantly train, preferably twice a day. But do not expect too fast result, if you've never done any stretching. Can not rush, otherwise it is likely to injure the ligaments, and then with dreams of splits have to say goodbye until the effects of trauma not come to naught.
 If the splits - your long-cherished dream, then it's time to start its implementation. Someone may have already performed this "trick" at an earlier age, then it will go faster. But even if you have never done stretching, do not sit on the string, and generally reside not in the best physical shape, to achieve the desired still possible. It will just take a little longer.

The sooner you prefer to workout, the better. At the very young age, ligaments and muscles have the greatest flexibility, so that stretch them much easier. After 30 years of joint mobility decreases with age people become less flexible, but it only means that you have to try to achieve the coveted stretch. Usually, the fact that the splits, people need 1-2 months to six months, subject to regular daily activities.

The very first rule of successful stretch, leading to quick results - it's warm. You can not start to pull the "cold" muscles and ligaments, they need to pre-warm up, making the workout. Stretch is best in a warm room, as the body will be more relaxed, hot bath can also help. Before stretching, you can jump rope, do a few sit-ups, tilt, move, dance.

Only then should begin to stretch itself. You can do the exercises only for twine, but it is better to find a complex that helps stretch the muscles of the body. Comprehensive stretching will only benefit. For twine, pay special attention to the feet.

Start with swings down. The first time, it will probably be particularly difficult. Raise your legs as high as possible, trying to keep them in this state. In this case, stand erect, back straight, legs straight, too. Give it enough time. Do tilts forward, keeping your legs straight. Sit on the floor, legs stretched out, drag your hands to your fingers, try to keep your back straight - this exercise is called "wrinkles". First seem that you have nothing at all does not work, drag will hurt. Here caution, avoid severe pain.

There are several types of stretching and most effective was recognized static. During this stretch pulls you up until you reach the border of pain, and are in this position from 15 seconds to a minute or more. The time depends on the degree of training, over time you will be able to increase it. You can not stretch through the pain - so you will seriously damage the muscles and ligaments. After stretching the major muscles try to do the splits.

Exercises should be done every day, preferably in the morning and evening. Well, if you can spend on it at least one or one and a half hours a day. The more time you spend on stretching, the faster will get the result. But avoid fatigue is also impossible.

There are contraindications, some people should refrain from stretching. In particular this applies to those who are ill, has a fever, diseases of the joints, as well as those who have suffered injuries due to stretching or damage to the ligaments. You must first recover and then engage in stretching.

Tags: Stretching, period, twine