How to remove nail fungus with

How to remove nail fungus with
 Almost one in three people, one way or another, faced with such a disease as nail fungus. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon that brings a lot of inconvenience. Some believe that the fungus takes place independently, but it is not. It must be treated, otherwise you may cause serious complications.  
 Onychomycosis - nail fungus dangerous fungal infection that affects the nail plate. This disease is easily transmitted from person to person. They can be infected through a common footwear in public places (baths, pools). Also, the reason may be decreased immunity. At the same illness in humans changing the color of the nails, there is a thickening of the nail plate. If no action is taken to eliminate the disease, nails begin to crumble, can aggravate chronic diseases of internal organs.

With the appearance of the first symptoms of the fungus should see a doctor to be properly diagnosed and appropriate treatment. Typically, the disease is treated with antifungal agents. Also did a fine job with the fungus traditional medicines. It is important before you begin to treat the fungus to disinfect all, what contacted affected skin: flooring, stuff, shoes, bedding, etc.

From onychomycosis good help ointment made at home. To do this, mix one egg, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of dimethyl phthalate. Rub cooked composition in the affected areas, and the top cover with plastic film and put on socks. The ointment should be applied at bedtime. This method is effective for both legs and rest.

Make a decoction of milkweed. Half cup dry milkweed pour a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Cool, strain and pour the infusion into a bowl with hot water. Lower in the pelvis and legs keep half an hour. Repeat procedure should be 10 days and the fungus disappears. Garlic also compress save you from disease. To do this, clean the three cloves of garlic and mash them. Mass lay upon the sick nail, cover with a bandage and cellophane, keep up all night. Regularly lubricate the nails tea tree oil.

Tags: means fingernail treatment onychomycosis

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