Lose Weight in the New Year

Lose Weight in the New Year
 New Year - a fabulous holiday, during which women want to feel glamorous and beautiful. What if before the celebration is still a little time, and the mirror screaming about excess weight? How to lose weight for New Year's Eve?
 New Year's Eve is full of the feeling of mystery and magic. This holiday, which are prepared in advance, thinking through every detail of the menu, entertainment and outfits. That's why women want to look at the night these fairies: slim, charming and beautiful.

But sometimes cold autumn time to bring a few extra pounds, which thoroughly spoil the mood and break to pieces the dream of the perfect New Year's Eve. Do not despair! In this case, you will be different diets or serious adjustment of its own power.

If you have left a month or more, and a couple of extra pounds, you will be excluded from the diet flour, fat, too salty and it is advisable not to eat after 18:00. Preference should be given protein foods (chicken, beans, soybeans, mushrooms, etc.), dairy products and vegetables, herbs and fruits.

For example, as the breakfast, you can afford a bit of porridge (or muesli, filled with milk, yogurt or juice). As a "bite" to eat a carrot or cucumber. For lunch - a piece of fish, chicken or beef with vegetables and salad dressing from a small amount of vegetable oil, salt and seasonings to your taste. For dinner you can eat a fruit or vegetable salad. It is desirable to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean drinking water per day (without gas).

Lose 4-7 pounds per month is possible, if a weekly fasting days, and other days not to eat after 18:00 and to limit or exclude from the diet of flour and sweets. Fasting days can be to your taste.

Fasting day on kefir can subtract 2 kg of your body weight. To do this, take an ordinary yogurt 2, 5% fat - this will be your diet for the day. Drink it as soon as you feel hungry, ideally, you will have 5 meals 1 cup of yogurt.

In the fasting day does not go in for sports - it enters your body in additional stress and force him to store, so the weight can fall asleep and not to leave. Drink at least 1, 5 liters of water a day. To achieve the effect can not be held fasting days often. 1 to 2 times a week - enough.

Unloading on "molokochae" will allow you to get rid of 1-1, 5 kg per day. Simply mix your favorite tea with milk 50/50 and drink it 1-1, 5 liters per day. If you have low blood pressure, you will approach a black tea, if high, it is better to brew green.

Another option slimming - monodiets. They give quick results, but the weight just as quickly can return after the return to a normal diet.

If you have in stock is 17 days, then try one of the most interesting options mono-diet - a diet geisha on green tea, milk and rice. This diet allows you to lose weight 10 - 12 kg in 10 days. Weight loss on this diet takes place in two stages, each of which lasts for 5 days.

Thus, 5 days on the diet:

B - 2 cups of green tea with milk (50 to 50).
 Lunch - drink 1 glass of warm milk (just be sure to heat), and half an hour later eat one bowl of unsalted rice.
Dinner - 1 plate unsalted rice, 1 cup of green tea with milk in a ratio of 50 to 50.

After the first 5-day cycle do a seven-day break and repeat the diet. As a result, you may take 10-12 kg. Water and you can drink as much as you want.

New Year's Eve - a real treat, which gives you the opportunity to show itself in all its splendor. The main thing - remember that everything is in your hands, and then you will be in the holiday joy and sighs of admiration will be dizzy.

Tags: year, new diet, weight loss, slim

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