How to straighten crooked legs

How to straighten crooked legs
 Many girls dream of straight legs and are ready for this at all, until the operation. But the surgery - it's just one of the ways to straighten the legs. Make your legs slim, you can at home, doing a few simple exercises.
 Determine whether you need an operation is quite simple. Lie on your back and stretch your legs. In this position, the legs form of X is normal. Bend your legs - thighs should be parallel. The normal curvature of the legs relative to the vertical position during the load should not exceed 15 degrees. If the curvature of your legs more than 15 degrees, the surgery can not be avoided. If less, then you have just a bad capsular ligaments and correct the shape of the legs, you can use the gym and massage.

Engage in exercises to straighten the legs should be every day, not too lazy and did not spare himself. If you do not want to bother such lessons - love yourself for who you are and do not go back more to this issue.

1. The first exercise is very simple. Tie the leg in three places. Better make it a nice scarf or other cloth that does not cut the skin. Sit down and straighten your legs. Try to reach down socks, while in no case do not bend your back. At this point, your pelvis is reconstructed in the right position for straight legs. Over time, you will feel the clicking of. Do not worry, this is normal and does not hurt.

2. To make the legs straight you need to rebuild the whole body in a new way. The spine plays a significant role. Often hang on the bar. Do not jump sharply with him, because on the bar, he stretched and straightened, and at the time of landing becomes sharply back, thus ruining your back.

3. It should be as it should "shake" the bones of the pelvis, or the effect of the exercise you will not see. Very well helps to belly dance. If you are unable to attend school dances, then cook them yourself. Thanks to the training videos on the internet, you can easily understand the basics of oriental dance.

4. Become barefoot on the floor. Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width. Slowly squat 10 times. Do not forget about the rest. When this exercise will be for you more or less easy, start doing the same thing on the toes.

5. Get on hands and knees and bend your knees. Sitting at the same time it is necessary not to calves, and on the floor. This exercise stretches the muscles, making them not crumpled and inflated, and the long and beautiful.

6. Lie on your back. Place your legs bent at the knees into the wall and put pressure on it for 10 seconds. Do this exercise 10 times with an interval of 5 seconds. If you can not be lazy and do not complain about the rather dull exercise, the result will not be long in coming.

Be careful! Exercises with dragging feet should be done with the agreement of the surgeon, otherwise you may damage the joints. For the remaining exercises, consult with a good coach. Otherwise, you have a chance to pump up the opposite side of the muscles of your legs and curvature can become more pronounced.

Tags: leg curve