How to learn to skate beautifully

How to learn to skate beautifully
 Ice skating - certainly the most beautiful winter sport. Of course, to look good on the ice, is not enough to learn not to fall off the skates, you need the proper technique and practice to become smooth movement and confident.
 Learn to skate is never too late and not too difficult. This activity not only brings a lot of fun, but also very well coached body, teaches proper coordination, improves posture. In addition, it is also a great way to spend time outdoors as an alternative to a simple walk.

In order to begin to skate, first of all need a strong desire, if it is insufficient, it is possible to find an incentive in the form of a satellite or companion with whom you can spend your time. Secondly, it is better to acquire their own skates, because this shoe is sure to be sized and perfect bow leg to avoid injuries and sprains. Third, choose a location for skiing, think about accessories. And fourthly, to carve out a few hours a week for lessons to be regular.

The first steps on the ice better to do, holding the rim, should not act hastily. To start better just wait a little bit to the leg muscles (especially the inner thigh muscles) are used to stress. Then release a side, no matter how difficult it may be, and stand on their own, it is better to bend a little forward, many do it instinctively. Then try to start a movement, even if it's just walking like on the ground.

The next step will be the practice of a simple slip. In this case, slightly bend your knees, straighten your back in a small inclination forward. Expand the left foot by 45 °, and gently push down along the left skate. But be careful! Should not push off the toe and the edge of the blade. Once the movement began, immediately shift your weight to the right foot. Tear off the left foot of ice and pull it closer to the right place. Push off right skate and shift your weight to the left foot. Hands at the same time keep wide apart for balance. Train until the movements are natural, and you will no longer be afraid of falling.

Turns are inevitable at the rink, because you can not always go in the same direction. To turn, for example, to the left, increase the slip frequency, starting right foot, and each time, turn the housing in the direction of rotation.

To impress others with your skill, not necessarily to develop "coats" and rotation. In addition, the need for such frills no amateur skating and professional. A logical extension of a simple slip will "swallow", which is straightening the legs, with which the push. The housing keep strictly to the reference leg, which should be bent at the knee. Go directly to this reception is not necessary, at first just wait in this position, and then add a slip.

Beauty and ease of movement on the ice rink, as in ballet, achieved by frequent workouts. Each movement should be ground to such an extent that you did not have a seizure once thought, what or where to put the foot to bend. The brain must be switched off while riding or thinking about something else, because it's still a holiday, not a sporting event.

No less important in overcoming the awkwardness at the rink will be internal readiness to fall, and the need to come to terms with the fact that at first it will not look very nice. Keep in mind that at the rink, as a rule, very few people who are professionals in figure skating, most people come back a couple of times during the season, so they are busy with the aesthetics of their movements, and do not follow you. Once you have mastered your fears, you will learn how to skate as well as walking, as well as gain confidence in themselves not only on the ice, but in life.

Tags: horse movement