How to get quickly to the cross-twine

How to get quickly to the cross-twine
 Twine is a transverse position of the body when the legs are divorced just to the side at an angle of 180 degrees. Its implementation requires a great stretch and good disclosure joints. Should not rush to make a cross strings, if your body does not have much flexibility. First prepare the muscles and joints, doing daily stretching exercises.  
 Stand on your left leg, bend your right knee and grasp the hand of the same name sock. Inspiratory straighten your right leg forward, try to straighten the knee fully. With an exhalation again bend the knee. Inspiratory straighten the leg by pushing it just right. If you have poor balance, the left hand stick to the wall. Repeat on the other leg.

For the next exercise, you will need a chair. Put your right foot on the back of a chair. On the exhale, lower your upper body to the left leg. Hold for 1 minute. On the inhale and straighten perform stretching on the other foot.

Body weight transfer to the left leg, bend your right knee and foot pull to the left thigh. Hold your left hand right sock, just pull the knee to the floor. Stretch leg 2 minutes. Straighten your knee, then do an exercise left foot.

Sit buttocks on the left heel, pull your right leg, toe send over. On the exhale, lower your body down, drag-feeding right thigh, palm, place the foot or lower leg. After 1 minute, straighten legs and change places.

Lie on your stomach, legs, spread apart, bend your knees, feet joined together. Relax your pelvis completely and feel as he himself begins to fall to the floor. Hold the posture for 2 minutes. Straighten your knees and bring your feet together.

Lie on your back, legs lift up. On the inhale them apart and completely relax. After 2-3 minutes Keep feet together, bend their knees, feet put on the floor. On the inhale dilute knees to the side and pull them to the floor. Relax your legs and hips unfold themselves as much as possible.

Go to the immediate implementation of the cross-twine. Spread the legs as widely as possible. On the exhale, lean forward, place palms on the floor. Body weight transfer on the arms, legs, try to relax and gradually you will feel like they diverge more widely. Of course, the first time you may not be able to sit in the cross strings, if you are not prepared physically. But the constant training gradually lead you to the goal.

Tags: Stretching, twine