How to do morning exercises

How to do morning exercises
 If you are doing daily morning exercises - you should be commended and congratulated. The habit of morning exercise is perhaps the most useful of the acquired us. If you have not yet made themselves warm up in the morning, then you have something to strive for. But it is important, as well, to know a couple of very useful facts about how to do morning exercises.

Right thing to do morning exercises - your ticket to well-being, vitality and high spirits for the whole next day. That competent workout after sleep helps your body to get a charge activity by improving the blood supply to all internal organs, tissues, muscles and brain by saturating them with oxygen.

Immediately after waking activity of your body is in decline: the nervous system is inhibited, the blood circulates slowly and slowly, light narrowed. A common mistake is a big load right after waking up. Weight Training, jogging, etc. may adversely affect your condition. Before going to the gym or run to work, you need morning exercise.

One of the most important goals of charge - to normalize blood circulation throughout the body. Morning gymnastics - is the first tool for those who want to lose weight, because, normalize blood circulation, you metabolism. You can sit all day in the office at the computer, but will burn excess fat due to a daily charge.

It is important to remember that the most useful charge - a daily charge. You should not be afraid of this, because the morning warm-up takes no more than half an hour, and if desired, may be only ten or fifteen minutes. Only need to do exercises before breakfast, but be sure to drink a glass of clean water.

Charging starts always with low intensity exercise and gradually increase it. The main thing here - do not overdo it. After charging, you should feel a surge of strength, not fatigue. If you get tired - reduce the charging time, and when retract. can gradually increase to half an hour.

It is important that charging is designed to awaken your body, so languid and relaxed movements of the limbs are not suitable. By the end of charging your heart rate may rise to 100-110 beats and that's fine (of course in the absence of heart disease).

Begin with a warm up joints and muscles warm up. Do not forget during all exercises to keep your back straight. Include exercises exercise those involving the maximum number of different muscle groups. Do squats, lunges, push-ups various options, pull-ups (if you have a horizontal bar). You can do exercises with weights, but do not try to take heavier weights, for a morning workout it to anything.

It is very important during all exercises correctly and breathe deeply. Breathing and chest, and abdomen. Deep breathing helps to spread easily after sleep and enrich the blood with oxygen.

Tags: charging