How to crouch to avoid damage to joints

How to crouch to avoid damage to joints
 Squatting - one of the most effective and at the same time simple exercises to strengthen leg muscles. However, it is necessary to perform in accordance with a specific technique, in order not to damage the joints.
 At the beginning of training, when your body gets used to still exercise, learn to do it right. This will help prevent future health problems, sometimes quite serious. Squatting - great exercise, and different ways to perform help to make the leg muscles more toned.

You must learn how to squat, so as not to damage the joints. It is not necessary to focus on their own feelings, as damage will not immediately obvious. Only a few months you will feel pain in the knees, and only then realize that followed the wrong technique.

The best option in this case will be the support of a professional trainer. However, in the home, you can exercise, if available with the basic rules. Most importantly - never omit pelvis below the knees and keep with your heels off the floor. For the first time do everything slowly getting used to the movements, then you can choose any tempo.

Try to choose a room to practice with a large mirror to see yourself in all growth. For a regular squats put foot hip-width apart, hands on your waist. Falling down, keep your knees did not come forward for the level of the feet. Then in the mirror, you will see that the angle in the legs in this case is 90 °, and the thighs are parallel to the floor. Do not round your back, otherwise fall back, do not lean far forward.

All the time looking at yourself in the mirror. If done correctly, you will feel the tension in the posterior region of the leg. This is normal, but if you often wear high heels, start ups with caution because these muscles are already natruzheny.

In normal squat involved muscles of the front of the thigh. In order to work out the inner surface, stand with your feet apart so that when the foot squat "watched" in the same direction as the knees. Get down to the parallel with the floor, the angle in the legs should also be straight. This exercise is called "plie".

Add weighting in two or three weeks of training. In normal squat grab a dumbbell. Performing plie, keep the load with both hands and pull down between the legs while moving down. Do not try to reach the floor, watch your back. Increase the severity of your own weight, and hence the load on the muscles.

Squats not recommended for beginners. Putting it in your training when well enough will perform routine exercise. Post or gymnastic stick up from the floor only with your back straight. Bend your elbows, bringing stick to your chest, then push it up, get back and put on his shoulders. Then crouch as usual.

In exercising a lot of nuances. Even if you train one body part, observe the location of others. It is important not to lose sight of that, that, forming a figure in one place, not to harm the other.

To increase the effectiveness of training and at the same time to save time, add a rhythm: to descend on the account 1 and rise to 2, 3, 4, or vice versa. Furthermore, at the bottom and can stay squats make three mini-up-and-down motion. Then go up to the starting position and repeat. You will immediately feel the muscles become tired more quickly.

Tags: joint techniques, squat