How do the splits in one week

How do the splits in one week
 Twine is considered an indicator of excellent flexibility. It is used in dance and gymnastics, martial arts and chirlindinge. One he comes easy, others not so much. There are several exercises that will help you do the splits.
 Everyone knows that children are much easier to sit on the string - they are more flexible. Over time, the muscles lose elasticity, so for adults twine seems a daunting task. However, with the correct formulation of the problem, you can master this difficult exercise in just one week. However, there is one condition: the need to work seriously and regularly.

Spend a workout. It is necessary to warm up muscles. For this suit jumping, general developmental exercises, jogging in place, kick their feet and hands, or just intense walking for ten minutes. This time is enough to make a smooth transition to performing stretching exercises.

Sit on the floor (or mat), pull the leg forward. Try to get your hands the tips of my toes, and the back should be straight. Reaching the toes should stay in this position for twenty seconds and take a breath. Repeat the exercise for at least fifteen times, do not slouch while.

Take a way that one leg (for example, right) was stretched in front of you, and the second - in the side, i.e. at a right angle of 90 degrees relative to the first. Drag alternately to the right, then to the left leg, help himself with his hands. Change your position. The back should necessarily be straight, legs - even.

Lie down, lift your legs up at a right angle to the body. Spread them apart, stay in position for one minute. Then connect, drop to the floor and rest for ten seconds. Repeat the exercise at least ten times in the first few days of practice, then increase the load to twenty approaches.

Stand up, raise the legs alternately forward 90 degrees. The back should be straight. Follow mahi 15-20 times for each leg, and then try to hold each leg in this position for thirty seconds.

Make a lunge left foot at right angles in a standing position. Do crouching, rocking motion (the groin should clearly felt tension). Then on the right leg the same load. For each leg do the exercise for six to eight minutes.

Throw a leg up on the chair, window sill or table. Bend the knee, making the movement of the entire body in the direction of the object on which the leg. Repeat ten times and change legs.

Tags: Stretching, week, exercise