Fitness equipment for home use

Fitness equipment for home use
 How little we take the time to sport: and not because we consider exercise a waste of time (well, of course, there are others, but it is not about them), and because we simply have no time. After all, for fitness or swimming in the pool need free time, and with it a real disaster: work, school, young children. ... So we have a little posokrushaemsya, and then with a clear conscience say, "I would like to work out, but does not work ...". Meanwhile, the way out of this situation is, and it is quite obvious: Doing exercises at home. Well, you say, what is the way out - not at home conditions, such as in the gym. Women's magazine JustLady ready to offer you a real solution to this problem - a simulator for home use, it which are and will continue to.

Home Gyms characterized by versatility and small size, so they are very easy to use: they do not clutter the room, so households will not stumble on them, and very easy to operate. Engage in such simulators can both sports people and those who have recently engaged in physical education at school. Home Gyms perfectly fit even the most modest apartment sizes. To selectsimulator for home useYou need to decide on such matters: for what purpose you buy it (lose weight, gain muscle mass), how often do you plan to do, how much space you are willing to take for the simulator - to determine these issues, it will be easier to make a long-awaited purchase.

Buying a treadmill

Remember that the simulator - it's not the kind of thing you buy every day, and therefore it is better to weigh the "pros" and "cons" before spending money. It is advisable to buy a simulator where you can personally try it: do some exercise to assess how comfortable you deal with it. JustLady would like to address this question and, as a purchase through "shops on the couch." Treat any advertising with a grain of salt, and if you offer a "miracle device", which removes two days to ten centimeters waist and make you a flat stomach, do not be too trusting. Of course, all of these massagers, miostimulyatory and mini cardio will not bring harm, but actually it's just a waste of money. If you want to make a major purchase, to persevere, this is the option you want to drop immediately.

Now considertypes of simulators for home use.

The main muscle of the body - is, of course, the heart, and therefore both young and advanced age people need to strengthen their cardiovascular system. This will help to cardio, which also helps to lose weight.

Exercise Bike

One of the most commonhome trainers Due to its compactness and affordability. Exercise bikes are magnetic, shoe and belt. Magnetic run on electricity, but the shoe should not be included in the socket. Even people with a weak spine can be engaged on such a simulator - developed for them special horizontal bikes. In general, it is the most effective and safe machine that can be used even by people with a sick spine, knees and overweight. The most "advanced" bikes have additional functions such as heart rate, speed. They have several training programs and each program can be set according to his ability.


It is very convenientsimulator for home useWhere you can practice and walking, and jogging. Mechanical track - the cheapest option, and the space it takes up very little: immediately after training track can be rolled up and put into the closet. Magnetic track - a more advanced model, it is necessary for electricity. The most expensive models are equipped with built-in workout programs, so these simulators is considered the most effective. Unfortunately, not all you can do on a treadmill: people with obesity, varicose veins and problems with the spine and knees is better not to risk it, so as not to aggravate their condition.


Thishome trainer simulates climbing stairs, and at each step you need to press with force. There are very simple and inexpensive models, and there are more "advanced" with levers for hands: not only can work out the leg muscles, but also the muscles of the upper half of the body. This machine takes up very little space, and therefore it is possible to buy even in small apartments. However, he has a drawback - if not actively engaged, it can damage the joints of the knees.

Elliptical Trainer

Very effective simulator, which worked out at the same time and shoulder girdle, and feet. In addition, it is possible to work out individual muscle groups. The advantage of this simulator is that it without additional exercises you can use and legs, hands and back, chest, shoulders, and training it is completely safe: no load on the spine and knees.


This compact simulator, takes up little space, more like an exercise bike: it is also equipped with the seat and steering wheel. During workouts back muscles, legs and buttocks, with the stress on the joints is not felt. The simulator is suitable even for people with varicose veins and problems with the knee.

As can be seen, there are plenty to choose, so if you set out to give serious attention to training, then nothing is impossible!

Alice Terentyeva

Tags: simulator use